The future of email marketing

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The future of email marketing

Post by rabia198 »

When it comes to email marketing, many people still believe that it is a sector that is not evolving and that it remains stuck in the techniques and resources of 15 years ago.This happens because, due to the limitations of email, many brands do not dare to take risks and innovate in the form and content of their messages. As we said in our Webinar on Responsive Email Design , the Email Marketing sector adopts a conservative position in the face of these limitations and difficulties posed by the channel.

However, although it may not seem that there is any remarkable progress, the email sector changes every day with the new features incorporated by email clients (sometimes not in the direction that we, as email marketing professionals, would like). One of the most namibia business email list notable changes of last year, and which we hope will be established in 2015, is the trend towards responsive email design , but there are many other paths in which progress continues and many scenarios that we could imagine to provide added value to the user and obtain better results. Here we discuss some of these elements that are essential in the future scenario that we imagine for email marketing.


Navigation elements:
Drop-down menus that help us structure information and that now seem impossible to implement consistently across different email clients. Even “hamburger” menus on mobile like this one:

Click on the image to interact with the real email
Author: Jerry Martinez. Click on the image to interact. Read about how this menu has been implemented in the Litmus community.

We recently talked about the implementation of video in email, the difficulties it poses and some tools that can help us. In the future we imagine, video limitations disappear and we can offer audiovisual content to the user in a simple way. Video, despite technical limitations, is presented as another important trend in email. An interesting way to use it, for example, is as a background for our messages. In this post, Litmus explains how to do it and what support problems it poses.
Dynamic content
Different content depending on the location, the time of opening, demographic information of the recipient... Think of maps with "your nearest store", weather information in travel emails, countdowns for events, etc. These are contents that we can already offer with tools such as Movable Ink . Due to its capacity to increase the relevance of messages and usefulness for the user, we hope that it will be a practice that spreads in the coming years.
Shopping from the inbox
Without having to be redirected to e-commerce, in this future -hopefully not too far away- we will be able to buy products from our inbox. This option is gaining strength now that Gmail has presented its Pony Box project .
Minisites in the inbox
In the end, what we imagine is a future in which we receive content in our inbox that is more similar to a minisite than to static content. A future in which the inbox is comparable to the web in terms of visual and interaction possibilities. Facilitating the path for the user and helping us to send increasingly relevant, personalized and interactive information.
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