On October 16th, the 20th Anniversary of the Adecco Foundation will be celebrated at the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid. Since its creation in 1999, the Foundation's main task has always been the same: to help the most vulnerable groups of the population find employment; people with disabilities, people over 45 years of age, women with unshared family responsibilities and victims of gender violence. On the occasion of this 20th Anniversary, in this post we will share 20 tips to facilitate the job search process. These tips have been compiled thanks to information from different labor integration consultants that the Foundation has throughout Spain.
The Adecco Foundation is an organization that provides help in kazakhstan phone number data finding a job, sending applications to different companies and job offers. Then it is up to the candidate in question to work as hard as possible to achieve the expected success. Taking advantage of this context, through this publication we will offer a series of recommendations so that said job search is successful.
Put yourself in the hands of expert personnel, such as an Adecco Foundation consultant, who can help you in your job search.
Fear paralyzes us and creates biases that allow us to move forward, giving us the opportunity to ask questions and ask for help.
The candidate has to focus on everything that depends on him during the job search process. In this way, he will avoid wasting time on external things that will not change because they do not depend on him (such as the interviewer and the company, age requirement, etc.). Beyond avoiding solving things that he will not be able to change, it is a question of practicality; that is, that the candidate can improve on what he is failing at in the search process.
The need to self-evaluate your actions in the job search process. This way you will be able to gauge your level of frustration tolerance.
Consider volunteering to help you improve your employability in the sector that interests you.
Turn to local entities, public institutions or private entities that offer training that helps improve employability and job guidance.