Watch the full interview for more lessons

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Watch the full interview for more lessons

Post by rh06022005 »

from an expert on how to ensure your growth and revenue marketing start out strong... and stay that way.

In this week’s Growth Marketing Chat episode, Rick West, co-founder and CEO of Field Agent, takes a deep dive into the importance of launching a product the right way, which includes:

Finding the right product-market fit
Testing out your product with current clients AND strangers
Seeking out the ideal customer profile
Embracing pivots in your go-to-market strategy
Staying away from “shiny objects”
Building a strong network
Your growth and revenue marketing netherlands girls whatsapp number strategies will flourish when you stay focused, trust data, and adapt to changing landscapes.


Check the full interview for more expert insight on how to find the ideal market and customer that will ensure your business’s success.

Video Transcript:
NICK: All right. Today, we have a very exciting guest, Rick West, co-founder and CEO of Field Agent. Field Agent is a marketplace for retail solutions, helping brick and mortar and e-commerce brands. Rick, welcome to Growth Marketing Chat.

RICK: Nick, it is a pleasure. Excited to be here today.

NICK: Thank you for joining us. So Rick, maybe we can start by having you tell us a little bit about your journey and kind of what led you to start Field Agent. What was the opportunity you saw in the marketplace that you were able to fill?

RICK: Sure. So as we're talking through this podcast, and whether you're listening or watching, think back in the day from where you came. So I came from the corporate world and was really trying to understand how to get into this entrepreneurial ecosystem that was out there. And at one point in time, Nick, I was managing five LLCs, five. What happened though is after about seven, eight years or so, we came upon the very first solution to a problem that we could scale and that was Field Agent. Now, think back in the day, this is pre-selfie. Okay. No front facing camera, the iPhone 3S which was the rage and three megapixel camera, outrageous camera, right? So this is January, 2009.No front facing camera, no video.
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