What is Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)?

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What is Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)?

Post by Aklima@416 »

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear IPA? Probably a beer, right? But this popular acronym has another meaning. IPA also stands for “intelligent process automation.”

API, more commonly referred to as intelligent automation, covers a wide range of use cases. Automation is a game changer for all types of organizations as it helps reduce costs and increase efficiency.

According to Pascal Bornet in his book Intelligent Automation: Welcome to the World of Hyperautomation , "AI, also called hyperautomation, is a concept that relies on a new generation of software-based automation. It combines methods and technologies to automatically execute business processes on behalf of knowledge workers. This automation is achieved by mimicking the capabilities that knowledge workers use in performing their professional activities."

In doing so, it increases productivity and frees up human workers to focus on more cognitive tasks. With its growing popularity and convenience, your organization may be asking itself, “Should we automate this?” After all, why work harder when you can work smarter?

Robotic process automation (RPA) helps businesses move beyond improving basic tasks and embrace new ways of doing business. However, now that we have business process automation (BPA) and, even better, intelligent automation, we are better equipped to create enterprise solutions, reduce costs, and improve efficiency.

benefits of intelligent automation pie chart

Technology has come a long way in the last decade, making business processes more efficient by reducing the time spent on manual tasks. We started with Six Sigma and then moved on to Business Process Management (BPM) . These tools have helped improve manual processes such as patient chart review, student applications, invoices, etc. Automation is now part of decision-making and workflow for rules-based systems.

What is Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)?
Intelligent automation offers the functional benefits numbers in israel of RPA combined with artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP), and optical character recognition (OCR).

Therefore, IPA can mimic human learning and activities such as critical analysis. This is why IPA is distinguished from RPA by its ability to adapt and evolve.

The Venn Diagram of AI and Process Automation

API can also enable digital transformation. For example, RPA can deliver functional benefits almost instantly. It automates large volumes of repetitive work and management processes, which is equivalent to a robotic workforce that can work 24/7. This frees up human team members to focus on higher-value tasks.

In some cases, human workers can finally do what they were hired to do or focus on improving their skills. Additionally, the barriers to deployment are minimal, and RPA offers the potential for quick wins and quantifiable returns.

However, RPA is not a transformative automation solution by itself. If variance is added to a process, scalability is affected. RPA can handle a wide variety of tasks, but its scalability potential is limited.
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