Value of the step-by-step plan
For me as a social media trainer, such a step-by-step plan is a must when coaching and training companies. It provides structure and support and offers much less room for resistance. That is why I like to use these types of models. Jarno's step-by-step plan is very applicable, so that you as a trainer or company can quickly achieve results.
This book should be required reading for every social media manager.
We don't just do whatever anymore
Creating a social media strategy is labor-intensive and certainly not done in 60 minutes. Living and working according to it is perhaps even more difficult. It requires companies to make a fundamental shift in hierarchical thinking. But as Duursma says:
Now it's your turn!
About the book
Social media strategyTitle: Social media italy phone data strategy in 60 minutes
Author: Jarno Duursma
Publisher: Haystack
Year: 2013
Number: EAN 9789461260604
Media type: Book
Price: €12.50
Order: via Managementboek (aff.)
Photo intro courtesy of Fotolia
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