If a blogger only starred in an advertisement

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If a blogger only starred in an advertisement

Post by shapanqqcceqd »

That was placed on third-party resources, he will be neither an advertiser nor an advertising distributor. In such cases, he does not need to provide information about the advertisement. Also, an influencer does not need to mark and report on the advertisement of his own products if it is an email newsletter or on social networks . That is, if a blogger, for example, advertises his brand of cosmetics and promotes it on his page or sends messages to subscribers in direct, there is no need to mark such advertising.

Label your ads simply: we will help you comply with the law
Register and mark any type of advertising with a ready-made solution from click . For everyone who needs marking: advertising networks, advertisers, bloggers, website owners, etc.

All processes in one service

The click tool will completely cover the labeling issue: from receiving tokens to submitting reports to the ORD.

Simple interface

In click, all interface elements are located in convenient and logical places. You will spend 10 times less time on marking than when working directly with ORD, even if you are a trained user.


Many fields are filled in automatically, we will uganda whatsapp not force the user to waste time on additional work.

No labeling errors = no fines

All steps are provided with hints and indications of the correctness of filling in critical data.

Marking in click is free

And it will remain free for users who advertise on click, even if all ORDs are paid.

Automate labeling
Advertising. LLC "Klik", INN: 7743771327, ERID: 2Vtzqx6Dcn5
What is not advertising for a blogger
Not all mentions of a product or brand by a blogger will be advertising. The following three mentions do not need to be marked.

Mention of own products
If a blogger shows, mentions or talks about their product in the content stream, but does not highlight it with calls to action, banners, pinning posts about the product, indicating the price, then the content will not be advertising. There is no need to mark it.
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