However, the pandemic has led many customers to decide to shop online even in product categories susceptible to the shopper effect. That is why you have to do everything to keep them here and encourage them to come back. Ecommerce companies with both physical and online stores are in a good position here. It is worth considering it as a double selling opportunity. If your customer has not visited a stationery store for a long time and you want him to go, you can send him a message with a dedicated discount that he will redeem there. pic Example of.
A mail encouraging people to visit a stationery store. Social Media Listening In addition to the previously mentioned opportunities to contact customers it is also worth using social media in communication. Many people israel whatsapp resource contact companies through fan pages or contact us. They are also excellent customer service tools that help increase satisfaction. It is very important to reply to messages as quickly as possible because even if you are present after hours and on weekends, customers expect an immediate response. Of course, this is not possible for many brands, but it is worthwhile to ensure that the average response time.
Is low and avoid situations where customers do not receive any response. Ignoring your customers in this way can lead to their frustration, causing them to abandon further actions and never come back to you. Focus on responding to your customers messages effectively, even if this requires great sacrifices. This will definitely have a positive impact on your brand image. Mobile power More and more consumers shop via smartphones. Customers expect a positive experience with companies. If you want to build engagement effectively, you cannot forget about this channel. It is worthwhile to ensure that your ecommerce website is responsive.