Repeatable and consistent business process

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Repeatable and consistent business process

Post by subornaakter40 »

Repeatable and uniform
The first requirement for any process to be standardized is that it be repeatable and uniform, and the sales process is no exception, since it is necessary for team members to adjust to a sequential, ordered structure of steps that serves as a model for each salesperson that your company incorporates.

Being repeatable or replicable implies that anyone on your team can understand and adopt it without problems, and also be able to transmit the knowledge of that process to other salespeople. In this way, knowledge is never lost, but is transferred from person to person and can be perfected as they find inefficiencies or points for improvement.

However, it can be very difficult for sellers colombia telegram data to understand the process, since at the beginning of the execution of processes different sensations are generated, different cases are presented, mainly when we talk about service companies , which deal with clients whose needs require more complex and personalized solutions.

While this reality makes us act according to each need, when we abstract ourselves from each scenario, client, needs, etc., we will see that the steps we took to reach the closing of the sale are always the same . In other words, although each client is unique and has different needs, at the end of the day, the sales process always involves a diagnosis of the problem, a commercial proposal, quotation, negotiation, acceptance and closing.

The proposal submission/presentation stage is key
The presentation of the commercial proposal marks the turning point in the process, as it allows you to project whether or not a potential client is in a position to close a sale. If a prospect has reached the proposal stage, it is likely that he or she is quite interested in acquiring your product or service, but depending on how that presentation is, the degree of personalization it includes, the range of opportunity covered by the improvement of your offer, even its approach and description of the long-term benefits, will determine the conversion of the potential client into a real client.
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