Investing in the stock market for beginners, our 4 tips for success

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Investing in the stock market for beginners, our 4 tips for success

Post by nurnobi24 »

When a beginner faces the task of investing in the stock market, he or she can make many mistakes. The most common mistake is to jump into investing based on a friend's recommendation. Perhaps it's also because he listened to a media outlet or simply because a stock has skyrocketed.

Another bad habit is investing because everyone else is doing it. This usually happens when an asset has been going up for a while, we see that everyone is making money and we don't want to be left behind. Does this remind you of anything? We hope you didn't get caught with Bitcoin! Actually, if you're going to invest for the long term, any time should be a good time to start.

We leave you with these tips on investing in the stock market for beginners.

1. Investing in the stock market for beginners: think about your goals or needs
Before investing in the stock market , a beginner should know what his or her financial needs and goals are . A beginner should be able to answer questions such as:

What is my financial goal? For example, do I want to build up a safety net to expand my savings? Or, on the contrary, are my savings already sufficient and I am ready to accumulate gambling data china phone number capital by taking some risk?
What is my investment horizon? 5 years or 10 years. A very common mistake is to invest savings that we may need in the short term. If I may need the money saved within 2-3 years, it is better not to invest it!
Knowing our life goals will help us define our financial objectives as well as calculate our investment horizon. For example, if I am going to move in two years, I will probably need the money, or if I want to save for my children's college education and they are young, I will probably be able to keep the investment for more years.


Knowing your investor profile should be a preliminary step before a beginner decides to invest in the stock market.

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2. Investing in the stock market for beginners: asset allocation
If we buy the stock we mentioned at the beginning, we are assuming that our profile is very risky since we are investing 100% in variable income.

That is why it is advisable for beginners to know their profile before investing in the stock market. Once I know my investor profile, it is time to decide what asset allocation is appropriate for my portfolio . For example, the longer my investment horizon, the more risks I can take and the more variable income I can have in my portfolio. But of course this is also conditioned by my risk tolerance. The portfolio you build should allow you to sleep peacefully.

If you answer a few questions, you can see a portfolio recommendation for you here.

3. Investing in the stock market for beginners: indexing before active management
Before investing in a stock or a few stocks, the beginner should ask himself if he has enough information and training to have an active investment attitude. Does he really have enough information to invest in that stock? Does he have the necessary temperament to let the investment theory in a few companies come true?

Experience shows that active management is reserved for experts. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve advantages in active investing.

But nowadays even investing in the stock market for beginners is possible and relatively easy. How? By indexing with exchange-traded mutual funds or ETFs . With index funds you will be following the price of an entire specific index, as if you were investing, for example, in all the companies in the IBEX35 and S&P500. If you answer a few questions, you will be able to see here the recommendation of an efficient portfolio that meets all these requirements. Or if you prefer, you can see here a simple ETF portfolio for inspiration.

4. Investing in the stock market for beginners: how to invest in ETFs
Once you have a clear idea of ​​the portfolio you want to build, you will need to look into how to create and monitor your portfolio. In another previous post we already gave some advice on how to invest in ETFs , so we refer you to it.

We suggest that before investing in the stock market, you make sure that you have the time and discipline necessary to do so . It is also advisable to diversify your investment as much as possible to reduce risk . Investing in a single stock is not the same as investing in a group of stocks, investing in a single country is not the same as investing in the whole world, and investing in one sector is not the same as investing in many. If something goes wrong in one place or in one sector, it may be that it goes well in another. Being diversified will help you reduce your risk.
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