20 email marketing templates to grow quickly!

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20 email marketing templates to grow quickly!

Post by shuklamojumder093 »

Email marketing templates
It doesn't matter if most of your clients don't use email marketing templates, the reality is that people leave maternity wards with an email and that's why we're sharing the 20 email marketing templates.

Email Marketing Templates, Number of email users at 4.5 billion, Barbarian continues to be the #1 Sales channel for businesses. “More than half of the global population.”

In the face of the current pandemic, Facebook surpassed 2.7 billion active users in Q3 2020. The current number is now 2.5 billion. Instagram is just shy of 1 billion. They are large user bases, but still not as large as email.

Email vs. Social Media
Email Marketing Templates,
I have to have a balance between my Email Marketing and my different channels of potential clients, so let's put things in a good context, this is not about which is the best inbound channel or Omnichannel.

This is about quantifying, measuring and calculating my conversion rate from potential client to client and, most importantly, how I nurture my prospects.

If it is valid, the networks are channels that accounting directors email lists introduce me to a prospect, but what happens to you is that you are sending them email marketing follow-up templates or WhatsApp messages, in other words, the social networks did their job, now it is time to maintain contact and close.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should forget about organic social media altogether, it is a powerful omnichannel to amplify your message, increase higher mind awareness and expand your reach.

But when it comes to the hard stuff (lead generation, revenue generation, and customer profiling).

Email Marketing templates win in Round 1 and that's why these 20 email marketing templates.

Why and how email marketing templates
Content in TOFU and MOFU
Email Marketing Templates Focus on MOFU and BOFU Content Organic social media and follower growth is a very important activity (TOFU). You are creating brand awareness with new prospects and beginning the process of establishing a relationship of trust.

TOFU content that is interesting to your target audience but not related to your product or service is perfect for social media. People don’t want to be sold to, as they scroll through their Facebook feed or look for photo inspiration on Instagram.

If all you post on your social accounts are deals, offers, and hard-sell messages about your product or service, this turns people off.

Now, that's not to say middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) and bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) content, like product comparisons.

Success stories and testimonials should never be combined with social media, of course, there is a time and place for everything, don't you think?

Especially if you're running paid advertising campaigns like PPC, but they should form only a small fraction (less than 20%) of your social media content strategy.

With email marketing, things are very different. By acquiring someone's email address, you've already established a basic level of trust and credibility, so don't rush things.

They may have discovered your business on social media, visited your website after a recommendation, or found you through a search engine and chosen to give you their contact details.

Once a potential customer joins one of your email lists, you have “the permission and the right” to send them well-done MOFU and BOFU content that drives sales. Yes, you are legally allowed to do so once they have opted in.

But also because you've earned a level of credibility and trust at this stage, you've made these people more open to sales-oriented copy.

Customers prefer email as a communication channel, that's why email marketing templates
Consumers prefer email as a communication channel

Interestingly, a study by Campaign Monitor found that consumers prefer receiving email marketing communications from brands compared to other channels such as direct mail, mobile apps, social media, push notifications and mobile wallet.

In fact, this was the case across multiple industry sectors, including retail, travel and hospitality, entertainment, nonprofits, and digital media.

The study showed that more than 66% of people prefer email as a way of communication.

With email and these email marketing templates, you own the database.
It’s been said before and I’m sure it will be said again: you don’t own your social media audience! Sorry to sound like a broken record, but it’s all too easy to get carried away by the great opportunity to grow your social media following.

At one point, this was a great strategy. Increasing your Facebook likes or increasing your Twitter followers would lead to increased exposure, engagement, traffic, and eventually sales for your business. Facebook changed all of this with a series of consistent tweaks to its algorithm.

Facebook Pages’ organic reach began to decline… Twitter engagement fell off a cliff… and other social networks were not providing adequate market saturation for these platforms.

Email list segmentation drives personal experiences.
Perhaps the most powerful aspect of email marketing, compared to organic social media, is the ability to segment your audience .

If you're smart about it and have the right tools, you'll never have to send an email to a generic audience again. Instead, you can deliver highly relevant content to potential customers based on their preferences and behavior.
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