9 mistakes you shouldn't make with corporate Christmas gifts

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9 mistakes you shouldn't make with corporate Christmas gifts

Post by Aklima@3 »

Corporate Christmas gifts have a rewarding aspect in the relationship with employees, partners, suppliers, clients, etc.
However, they are also a powerful communication tool, where empathy plays a fundamental role in choosing a gift that is in line with the context and characteristics of the recipient.
A good corporate Christmas gift can smooth the way for many relationships. But when it comes to the workplace, employees feel even more strongly that they are part of the company. In addition, suppliers, customers, partners or investors also receive a clear call to collaboration and trust .

Pay close attention to this post, where we reveal the mistakes you cannot make if you want to strengthen your relationships with your team, clients and suppliers.

Start of marked textTWEET IT! Learn what not to do with your company's Christmas gifts.End of marked text

Corporate gifts, an opportunity to connect with employees
Corporate gifts at Christmas are an opportunity that must be taken advantage of. With them, companies can connect with their employees. Everyone likes to accept gifts, especially on special dates like Christmas.

There are traditional gifts, such as pens, watches or calculators, which can be later personalized to include the company logo. But companies are increasingly looking to make a difference with original products, although they are not necessarily more expensive.

It is beneficial to have a detail with employees at Christmas because it shows that their work is valued and appreciated. In addition, the employer has the opportunity to show them that he knows their tastes and cares about their well-being. It is, in turn, a good tool for loyalty to increase employee performance.

On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that it is a deductible expense from Corporate Tax , provided that the gift is a consolidated tradition and is considered as a remuneration in kind for the workers.

Christmas is a special time of year to connect with your night clubs and bars email list employees. Choose your gifts wisely. Sometimes, less is more.

Corporate Christmas gifts: where to start to know how to choose?
First of all, keep in mind that corporate gifts are not just another strategy. They have a direct impact on the personal sphere, so you must think carefully about what you are going to give , taking into account the individual characteristics of each recipient, such as tastes, physical appearance or beliefs. In addition, you cannot neglect the context in which you give the gift.

Otherwise, you risk creating the opposite effect from what you intended, sending the message that the gift giver has not invested enough time in thinking about the other party.


Avoid this type of corporate Christmas gifts
Below, we show you 9 mistakes to avoid when giving corporate Christmas gifts to employees, clients or suppliers.

1. Foods outside the diet
If you don't know the recipient's habits, be very careful not to offend beliefs. For example, it's not a good idea to give pork sausages to a Muslim or a vegetarian.

You should also be cautious about the possibility of food intolerances and allergies. It is also advisable to send healthy foods that are not inadvisable for those with certain illnesses.
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