These styles are based on the theory developed by Douglas McGregor in 1960, as collected in his book "The Human Side of Business."
It is worth noting that effective leadership is not limited to attitude alone, but also involves technical and emotional skills.
The theory known as "X and Y" was developed by Douglas McGregor in 1960 in his book The Human Side of Business. It is based on the skills present in business leaders, the way in which these affect followers and the interactions between them.
In this theory, leadership is divided into two styles: participative or "Y" and autocratic or "X" . For the author, they are differentiated by a series of traits that will affect the performance of followers, but also their motivation and the way in which they will relate to those in charge.
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Far from there being a perfect model, both leaders fulfil different functions and can be beneficial in certain circumstances, although they bring with them certain repercussions on the freedom of workers and the efficiency of management.
The autocratic style is the "X"
"X leaders" are characterized by applying their authority with confidence and security, giving the orders they consider most appropriate by virtue of their category or knowledge . We should not understand this as a negative trait, since it is not usually carried out in a hostile manner, despite taking away the freedom of subordinates.
These autocratic leaders are usually quite effective in command. They do well in tasks that require quick decisions, minimizing debate and conflict. If instructions are clearly small business email list communicated, subordinates usually adapt to them. However, the company may not be using its full potential.
Quick decisions are often one of the strong points of type X leaders.
Some traits can help us to identify these leaders. They are based on a traditional view of human nature that can be described with the following points:
Task orientation.
Strong supervision and attention to detail.
Certain paternalistic traits.
Interested in self-promotion.
Generally, they are extroverts.
They continually seek efficiency .
They push for compliance with deadlines.
They make decisions quickly.
The participatory style is the “Y”
Unlike the “X leader”, the participative leader is based on sharing decisions . He also gives freedom to employees, so he adapts well to structures with creative needs or functional independence. In exchange, the choices will be slower and the organization will be more complex to maintain .