Assist to Moderate Member Requests
As previously stated, you can use Facebook group admin assist in automating various tasks such as declining posts or comments. In case you want to use the Facebook group admin assist to decline member requests, follow the steps below:
1. Select a membership task from the Admin Assist tool.
2. Click ‘Add’ next to ‘Approve mobile number data member request if’ and ‘Reject member request if.’
Facebook Group Admin Assist on managing member requests
3. And then establish criteria for accepting and rejecting specific individuals. Those who did not completely answer the membership questions could be the criteria.
Facebook Group Admin Assist on setting up criteria for approving member requests
4. Only if all requirements are met will Admin Assist automatically approve or reject a member request. It will be authorized if a request meets both approval and denial criteria.
Facebook Group Admin Assist on member request approvals as seen in the activity log
How to Use Facebook Group Admin Assist to Moderate Post Approvals
The Admin Assist also functions in moderating new posts. Here are the steps to set it up:
1. On the Admin Assist page, scroll down and select ‘Manage Posts.’
2. Click the ‘Add’ button next to the criterion you wish to set up.
Facebook Group Admin Assist on post approval
3. Set up the specific criteria most suited to your needs. It would be an absolute timesaver for spam posts to be automatically declined.
Facebook Group Admin Assist - criteria for post approval
4. Incoming posts meeting the criteria set up will be automatically approved or declined. You will see this in the activity log of your Facebook group.