Does size matter when implementing an ERP in a company? According to certain theories, it could be one of the key factors, but it is not the only one. There are many other, more important factors that must be taken into account.
In this article we give you the keys to knowing which ERP to choose and finding the most appropriate solution based on the needs of your business.
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How an ERP helps you
How do I know if my company needs an ERP?
Which companies need an ERP?
Can I afford it?
Keep ROI in mind
What criticalities does my company have?
The key if what you want is to grow
Is an ERP the best tool, the best solution?
Types of ERP
Before we get started, you need to answer several questions.
Does my company need an ERP? (Process complexity, transaction volume, etc.)
Can I afford it? (Billing vs. Implementation costs, ROI (return on investment), benefits provided, etc.)
What criticalities does my company have? (Risk levels, vital decision making, etc.)
What future do I envision? (Expansion, Growth, Scaling, Globalization, Geographical dispersion, etc.)
Is an ERP the best tool, the best solution?
1) How an ERP helps you
An ERP is a business management consulting email list solution that helps companies control and interconnect the different areas or departments of a business, from manufacturing and production to sales and billing control and accounting, making them more efficient and competitive.
Although ERPs were initially used for manufacturing and production industries, over time, they have become a global solution for any type of company.
Does the size of the company influence when considering which ERP to choose?
Do you think that company size matters when choosing an ERP as a business management tool? Do you have a quick and conclusive answer?
No, right? Me neither. Just by the size of the company you cannot determine whether an ERP is, a priori, the ideal solution. The first thing you need to do is find out if your company needs an ERP.