Inbound marketing : with the Internet, one of the most profitable ways to do it in the long term is to do online marketing and position yourself in such a way that people find you. Doing inbound marketing means promoting your website so that it appears in search engines, and then a company interested in your product contacts you.
Email marketing : Email marketing works for both phone number lookup mexico consumers and businesses - in this case, you can capture subscribers and generate interest in your product with a series of emails that provide value and knowledge. The difference here is that your content should be more focused on utility and not entertainment.
SEM campaigns : Pay-per-click campaigns can be used for any industry, but they are especially effective when it comes to positioning a B2B product. As with an investment in billboards, here you will need to see what it costs you to get new prospects, and see if your campaigns are profitable.
Sales teams : Since products for companies are often more elaborate, it is normal to have sales teams dedicated to speaking directly with a company. Your agents will make various types of sales visits to close new business.
As you can see, each of these business models has its differences and similarities. Depending on whether you have a B2B or B2C company, you will have to use one marketing strategy or another.
What is true in both cases is that there is no perfect way to sell your products and services. Instead, it is about trying different strategies little by little and seeing the results. That is, making incremental improvements to your way of selling until you find a system that works well.
If you have a small business, it is advisable to dedicate your efforts to two different types of strategy at the same time-- such as email marketing and billboard advertising. After a while, analyze the results of your campaigns and then determine which one is more profitable for you.