What happens when Facebook auto-reports content in groups

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What happens when Facebook auto-reports content in groups

Post by rh06022005 »

Aside from members reporting content, Facebook also auto-reports content in groups.

For instance, if a group member posts seemingly mexico phone number search inappropriate or offensive content, Facebook automatically notifies to review and manage the post.

This auto-reported post will only be shared with the group when the admin has approved them.

The group admins have the authority to delete the post and block the group member who created the post.


But If a group admin approves several auto-reported posts, Facebook will stop auto-reporting them.

Final Thoughts
As a Facebook admin, I understand how huge that responsibility is. So when Nicola said that, “I run a page with over 40,000 members. I have over 7300 reported posts that will not load up.”

I felt her pain.

If you’re smart, you can help yourself by getting tools that will make your Facebook Group management a breeze instead of getting overwhelmed at all times.

There are a ton of these tools, but Group Leads is outstanding. This Google Chrome extension helps you to convert your new Facebook group members into leads and place them in your email marketing software.
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