Online Reputation Management for Companies with a Large Product Range

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Online Reputation Management for Companies with a Large Product Range

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Home—Blog—Blog on the topic: Reputation Management—Online Reputation Management for Companies with a Large Product Range
June 15, 2021 0:00
Online Reputation Management for Companies with a Large Product Range
Olesya Weather
Marketing Director of Systemno Digital
Where to expect a threat to reputation
Reviews on social networks whatsapp number list Search results Reviews on websites As a result


It is not easy to create a positive reputation for a company with a large range of services or goods. It requires more effort than companies with a small range. You have to do a lot of monotonous work, monitor huge amounts of data and delve into every negative review.

How to cope with this work, Olesya Pogoda, Marketing Director of the company "Systemno Digital", told at a webinar at the Cybermarketing training center. You can watch the recording on YouTube, and we suggest reading the transcript below.

Where to expect a threat to reputation
There are three main types of sites from which negative reviews about a company and its product can come:
Social networks are an isolated environment. Its publications do not always appear in search engines, although the brand, its product or services may be actively discussed there. Social networks need to be monitored using special systems.
Specialized sites - review sites, which are also tracked by special monitoring systems.
Search engines that, upon request, provide sites where people talk about the company's products. For example, "Alyonushka shampoo reviews".
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All three types of channels need to be monitored in appropriate ways.
Reviews on social networks
I recommend two services for monitoring: and Our agency uses the first one more often. It is faster, more democratic and simpler. The second one is more serious and prim, but both monitor equally well. Choose the one that is closer to the corporate spirit.

You can communicate with subscribers in two ways: on behalf of the page or from a fake account. It is not always possible and necessary to write openly from a work page. It is more convenient to create an account of a fictitious character who will represent your company online.
Why do you need a fake account?
Social networks themselves do not encourage such a decision, but it is necessary. And here's why:
1. Employees do not stay long in companies. If you assign an employee who will respond and represent your company on social networks from a personal account, one day you will lose the account.
2. A real employee will want to publish personal photos, thoughts, travel reports on their account. On a professional page, such content is unacceptable.
3. Clients will get used to one account and will know that only this account represents your company.
Sometimes jokers create a fake account, put an avatar of a well-known company and leave comments, reviews, answer questions, thereby ruining the company's reputation. If it has a page with a person who represents it, this issue is easier to solve.
4. You cannot be the first to write a personal message to a person who complained about a product or service on a social network on behalf of the page. You can only invite them to a personal message in the comments.

Therefore, you need to create an account of a non-existent person, for example, Vladimir Ivanov, Alena Petrova. Assign an employee who will respond on his behalf. This way you will solve the technical and reputational issue.
How to remove negativity
A post on a social page lives for several days if it is not raised by comments. If a negative review appears, you need to tactfully take the person to a private message and resolve the issues there.

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A person who wrote a harsh review often wants to get rid of negativity, splash out emotions and indignation. Solving the problem is sometimes not the most important thing for him.
Once we were dealing with the reputation of a large chain of nail salons. A woman wrote an indignant post on a social network about how badly she had been served. We contacted her, talked, and in a couple of days the problem was gone. The indignant client accepted the situation, agreed that it happens to everyone, everyone makes mistakes, and the situation was resolved.
Of course, there are different degrees of importance of problems. If the life or health of the client is at risk, one conversation and splashing out emotions will not do. But often it is enough to support the person, let him speak out, not to approach the issue heartlessly and coldly.
The nuance of publicity
An open discussion of the problem under the post of a dissatisfied client, and not in a personal message, is seen by the subscribers of this person. Perhaps they have no idea about your brand. But by how you answer, react and solve the problem, they will form their own opinion.

Our task is to beautifully, gently reduce the negativity, make the client feel good and save the reputation.
Search results
Sites that you don't want to see for branded queries may appear in the search:
with negative publications;
with a lack of positive publications;
not about us.
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What are "sites not about us"

Sites with the company name that are not related to it in any way. The problem arises if the company has approached the name without imagination. For example, the advertising agency "Contact" or the logistics company "Gruzoperevozki". Anything can be shown in the search engine for such a request.
We had a client — a sausage manufacturer. The company was named after a landmark in one of the cities. When people typed the name into a search engine, they got links to Wikipedia, maps, reviews of the landmark — anything but sausages.
If we talk about companies with a large assortment, the third point includes sites without adequate content. This could be data parsing, partner companies, which has a negative impact on reputation.

We need to strive to ensure that the search engine reflects:
necessary information;
less negative publications;
more positive;
websites about your company;
reviews about your company and products.
Reputation Management Strategy
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For a company with a large assortment, the strategy of mass creation of sites or landing pages for each article does not work. It is also not enough to tell about the company, its services, assortment.

Another strategy works here: with minimal effort, fill the top with positive publications. It is easier to achieve this through review sites, but they need to be controlled.

This is difficult work. You need to:
On all review sites, create pages for each article with a description of the product, if it is not there.
Monitor these pages regularly.
This is a long, monotonous job that should not burden a marketer. It can be automated using the service .

To ensure good results, it is necessary:

1. Control the availability of:
pages for each article on review sites;
correct description;
reviews of your brand and product in the desired color, weight and size.
2. Make sure that there are positive reviews on the pages.

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