New Law 8/2020 for the adoption of urgent measures in the field of agriculture and food by processing as Bill of RDL 5/2

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New Law 8/2020 for the adoption of urgent measures in the field of agriculture and food by processing as Bill of RDL 5/2

Post by sakib35 »

What does it affect?

To the quotation and contracting.

Who does it affect?

To companies and self-employed employers

How does it affect?

This regulation contains the urgent measures on agriculture and new zealand phone number data food published in RDL 5/2020 of February 25 , with the aim of reducing the factors of various kinds that have led the agricultural sector to a situation of unprecedented crisis and to guarantee people's standard of living.


In the field of the food chain
Amendment to Law 12/2013, of 2 August, on measures to improve the functioning of the food chain

– the obligation of each operator to pay the immediately preceding operator a price equal to or greater than the cost of production of such product incurred by said operator

– Prevents the operator who makes the final sale of the product to the consumer from passing on to any of the previous operators the business risk arising from its commercial policy regarding prices offered to the public.

– The inclusion of the cost of production in the price as a minimum element of food contracts and not only the evolution of the market situation, the volume delivered and the quality or composition of the product, among others.

– A list of elements published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is included, to be considered by agricultural holdings in order to comply with related obligations and determine the value chain.

– Promotional activities must be agreed upon and must not mislead customers regarding the price and image of the products, in order to avoid damaging the perception of the quality or value of the products in the chain.

Food contracts in force on the date of entry into force of RDL 5/2020, 27/02/2020, including its extensions and novations, will maintain their validity although they will have to be adapted in those areas in which they do not comply with the provisions of this regulation within six months from its entry into force.

In the fiscal field
Amendment to Law 35/2006, of November 28, on Personal Income Tax and partial amendment to the laws on Corporate Tax, Non-Resident Income Tax and Wealth Tax

The Personal Income Tax (IRPF) regulations have been adapted to allow for taxation in several years in the event of liquidation of the tax on aid for the incorporation of young people into agricultural activity.
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