That's rule number one. Well, one last question that that I have, and we can talk about this stuff all day 'cause it's fascinating, but what would be kind of a tip or an actionable insight that our audience of marketing and sales leaders can implement right away, you know, over the next week, over the next month. What's something actionable that they can put into play?
PANKIT: You need to figure out, you know, as they say, in this parlance is, you need to figure out the watering holes. Where are the places that your prospective audience is landing up back? And netherlands girl whatsapp number that has changed completely in this last two years because of COVID. The way people have consumed content in the pre-COVID, now COVID, and the post-COVID world is completely undergone a change. And the tactics that probably worked for you two years back, and I'm sure most companies would've figured out by now, don't seem to be working because the watering holes themselves have changed. And we had a tough time readjusting ourselves also because we are a traditional B2B company. And security is a trust business. I mean, you are not going to buy a product or a service, specifically around security, without knowing the person, meeting the person because, at the end, you are handing over the keys of your (inaudible) to someone else. And trust is an essential part of how the buying process works. Now, how do you build trust online? Right? So, we had to completely rethink that whole trust messaging. So, how do you get your top of the funnel, the whole PR side of the house in place where you are seen as a thought leader, and the thought leader consumption happens even without you being in the picture.
So, I actually don't know who's consuming the content that is being put out, right? So, if I write a blog or we speak at an event, or if there is this podcast that we are doing right now, I don't know who's going to consume it. But hopefully it passes on someplace somewhere for someone to see, right? So, that watering hole-- so, this to me, today, this is one watering hole for Sequretek, right? The message goes out.
So, find those watering holes that it is a tough one. That's one piece. Second is the ability for you to reorient your entire selling engine. So, let's say, for us, we completely change the way we sold. So, we had a traditional people like, you know, five people walk into a room, each one doing a different function, there was a presentation, there was a live demo. We had to move everything to cloud. And when you move to cloud and you're doing remote, it has to be so intuitive because you are not gonna see the body expressions when you actually demonstrate, when you are sitting in the front of a projector, which now is a Zoom screen on a small two by two footprint.
You have to be going after the right people
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