Every marketer knows that personalization can help brands make money online .
In fact, 90% of leading marketers say personalization contributes significantly to business profitability .
But personalization is more important for some channels than others. In particular, email personalization can have a huge impact on performance. Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened , while marketers who segment their germany business fax list campaigns have seen a 760% increase in email revenue.
Graphic showing two email previews: one generic and one personalized, highlighting a 26% increase in open rates.
However, not all customization is created equal.
If all you're doing is starting your email with "Hi, {first.name}," that's just basic, surface-level personalization, and that's not enough.
According to one study, emails with advanced personalization (which goes beyond mentioning the prospect or company name) get an average response rate of 17% . But this drops to just 7% for emails without advanced personalization.