NICK: Yeah. I'm wondering if you had a similar experience. A lot of times, we'll find that a single stage of the funnel, there's a huge drop off of conversion rate. And when we start digging in, a lot of times we find it's something trivial, or like a process thing that's holding things up, or like the lead score is too constricting, for example, and things don't get progressed to the right stages they should. Have you had similar experience?
ANNIE: Yeah. I mean, typically what happens is we focus so much on the front of the funnel, and all the way to sales qualified opportunity. And then it's just like and then it's like the dark funnel. I'm just, I'm using... I know it's not the dark funnel, but, you know, even though it's in your organization. And that's when you really got to think about netherlands whatsapp number customer marketing. How do you help sales automate that other piece so that they can focus on closing? And I really believe the answer to that piece of it, that drop off, is just sales needing more support and more automation throughout the whole process. And typically you find that after, you know, you've really optimized the lead engine, which usually takes, you know, 18 months to two years till you're really, really killing it.
other sales process. And really you just recognize that they need more support. And you see that in some of the brands that have won, you know, when you go into a sales cycle with demand base, or you go into a sales cycle with some of these other really successful companies, HubSpot, you can see that even after... You know, before the sale you're in a certain kinda ABM cadence with certain people, during the sale, they're still nurturing you. You know, a lot of companies say, "Oh, once it's with sales, marketing's done." The really successful companies keep nurturing. And then the truly winners, they're gonna have another cadence that they run as soon as you've implemented, to further help you activate. So there's that activation component, with customer success, etcetera, that sure, there's to be a human element to it, but it needs to be activated. And then once you're activated, there's other engines that should come in, like renewal, upsell, you know, "Hey, have you considered these features?" You know, if a person's activated correctly. And then, you know, if you have signals that say, you know, churn signals that say, "Hey, this person's at risk, they haven't activated, etcetera." Then you signal the sales person, the account manager, and bring them back in, cause there's obviously a disconnect or an issue. So I think, just automating that piece and realizing that nurturing your contact is never done, whether they're a lead, or a prospect, or you've closed them, or they're an active sales, if you've always gotta be nurtured your contacts.
And then you start having pressure on that
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