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so that you continue to stimulate the senses

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:09 am
by arzina221
You increase your chances of being found organically on a variety of search terms
It keeps you in touch with your target group
It shows your expertise and therefore reliability.
Don't just stick to written content. Videos, infographics, events, webinars, podcasts and the like are also part of content. Provide a nice variation,

Also read: The modern B2B marketer is once again paying attention to people
Vary in type of content, but also in kind of content. Choose a combination of evergreen content that is always interesting:

how-to content
case studies
what is-posts
newsworthy content
Think broadly and don't miss any opportunities and more importantly: test what works for you and don't blindly do what everyone else in the market is doing. Sometimes it works to use a denmark telegram data microsite for a specific part of your website or a specific campaign. A microsite is a website that complements a main website, that stands alone as an entity. This can be a separate domain or subdomain.

Often microsites are used for specific campaigns, products or target groups. Sometimes a microsite is used to tell a short story or to inspire. These microsites also fall under content marketing. An example of this is the well-known Elfyourself (if nothing starts to dawn, just wait until the Christmas period), which is a microsite of OfficeMax.


Also important is the frequency with which you publish articles. According to a study by Hubspot, organizations that publish 16 or more blog posts per month generate 4.5 times more leads than those that publish only 0-4 posts per month.

The same study also shows that 47% of B2B buyers rely on content for research and use it to decide whether to do business with an organization. In addition, visitors to a B2B website view an average of a