Preparation during calm times (when there is no crisis)

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Preparation during calm times (when there is no crisis)

Post by Monira66 »

Today, there are over 5 billion daily mobile internet users. People are used to sharing their experiences, so one tweet can lead to a crisis if it goes viral.

However, it’s a double-edged sword – you might encounter a problem buy whatsapp number database you weren’t expecting, but you can also react more quickly than ever before. That is possible thanks to the tools that carry outmedia monitoring automatically.


To proactively prevent crises:

Designate a unique group of employees to focus on potential issues and their prevention. Identify a crisis team that would be able to prepare a crisis strategy and implement the right tactics when one strikes.
Arm your team with powerful tools that will help them predict and identify crises. Systems like Determ collect data 24/7, interpret whether the comments are positive or negative, and notify you whenever something important happens so that you are well aware of any issues straight away.
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