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Digitizing the Library and Automating Library Help Desk with Chatbots

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:38 am
by Aklima@411
The college library is undoubtedly home to valuable content and continually contributes to a well-rounded college experience. Yet, in times of uncertainty, libraries are typically the first to close their doors. As a result, they no longer provide sufficient ROI to allocate resources to staff in a traditional library setting. The needs of the world are changing as we write this blog.

So the only possible answer is to digitize the library. Offer digital periodicals and books that students can easily access through a dedicated portal and using their student computer number. This way, you can maintain the value of the library while keeping in mind the safety of students and staff. Moreover, it becomes more convenient for students. And, if they have any questions, deploy AI-driven chatbots that can offer conversational answers and become smarter over time.

Connect your data to your processes
Now, more than ever, educational institutions need to integrate their data into a single platform. Not only will this increase transparency, but it will also help streamline processes so that higher education institutions can respond quickly to any future outbreaks or pandemics without major disruption. Additionally, digital native students will appreciate the thinking, planning, and preparation for the future. In short, the university gains flexibility and agility.

Move every course online
If you haven’t already, it’s high time to create online taiwan phone numbers options for all your degree programs. In a pandemic, this is definitely the most popular choice. In the future, students will prefer universities that offer a full selection of online courses as social distancing may become a permanent routine. In fact, having no online courses is no longer an option.


Monitor the student lifecycle from admission to graduation
The student lifecycle spans years or more, from recruitment to graduation and even higher education. Students are your customers, so tracking this cycle is essential for your university to better understand your students and then tailor its offerings to their needs and wants. Whether it’s an online group fundraiser or new courses, the goal is to use your findings to keep students engaged throughout their academic cycle. There’s no doubt that higher education institutions are embedded with layers of complexity. But by digitizing your processes, you can cut through the layers to become more responsive and ahead of the curve.

Digitize payments
Today’s students grew up with the internet and used mobile devices as children. Many of them are also committed to social action and preserving the environment for current and future generations. Not to mention, they are already accustomed to online banking and the like, so they expect the same type of channels when it comes to paying their tuition and fees. Additionally, you can also reduce the number of paper checks you have to manage and use.