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Inbound Marketing: THE method to generate leads sustainably

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:42 am
by tasnimsanika3
Inbound Marketing: THE method to generate leads sustainably
In this article we will develop the concept of Inbound Marketing, a fundamental strategy to affirm your position as an expert in your field and multiply your prospects. The following article will address several facets of the Inbound Marketing strategy, develop the resulting concepts and provide you with many tips.

Inbound marketing: definition
To begin with, we need to define what inbound marketing is. This is a marketing technique that is the opposite of traditional marketing: bringing the customer to you, instead of having them go looking for you. Inbound marketing could be translated as “inbound marketing”, as opposed to outbound marketing, which was used systematically before, for example, through telephone canvassing, email, mass mailing, paid advertising, advertisements, etc.

In fact, the goal of Inbound Marketing is to encourage the consumer to go through the process of approaching your business on their own . The roles are reversed . The consumer has a need, does research, and then approaches you to learn about the solutions available to answer their questions.

Inbound Marketing was initially called “permission marketing”, a concept developed by Seth Godin (former marketing manager at Yahoo and later successful author and speaker), who put forward the idea of ​​asking potential customers for permission to send informative content to their website, a concept that was completely contrary to the advertising practices in force until then. Then the founder of HubSpot Brian Halligan has widely disseminated the concept, this time using the phrase Inbound Marketing: producing content as qualitative as possible so that search engines and users pay attention to it without the so-called traditional advertising device.

The rise of social media, e-commerce and online shopping, combined with rapidly mobile phone number database australia changing customer attitudes, which are documented in the initial phase, has caused a real change in the methods implemented in the consumer purchase journey. Companies have had to adapt their techniques to cope with this upheaval that has upset all previously established codes in the history of marketing, placing traditional strategies then in force for decades in a somewhat outdated situation.

In fact, outbound marketing (traditional marketing) has become less effective over time due to three main elements :

The overabundance of advertisements (on average, a consumer is faced with 3,000 advertising messages per day!), which literally drown the public under their assaults;
Habit : By force, the consumer is no longer receptive to advertising, gets very tired and moves on quickly and rapidly;
Technological advances : ad blockers, anti-spam devices in mailboxes, the Bloctel system, among others, tend to distance classic marketing from consumers who have understood the message and no longer wish to see their daily lives invaded by intrusive offers whose ins and outs they know.
Inbound Marketing methodology at a glance
The basic principle of Inbound Marketing is to attract potential customers on their own without having to use traditional advertising, which is considered intrusive and therefore disturbing. Inbound Marketing is a complete strategy to be integrated into your prospecting plan and which includes several approaches: content production, sharing on social networks, referencing, analysis, monitoring, listening, but above all authenticity, because you will have to stand out!


Inbound marketing methodology – © Proinfluent
Inbound Marketing follows a methodology that can be broken