Insurance companies may offer a quick settlement soon after the accident. However, this initial offer is often lower than what you may truly deserve. Accepting it could mean missing out on additional compensation for – ongoing medical bills, lost wages, or other damages. It’s wise to speak with a lawyer to evaluate any settlement offer before accepting it.
7. Not documenting medical expenses and lost wages
After a car accident – you may have numerous telemarketing insurance lead medical expenses, missed workdays, and other financial losses. Failing to keep records of these expenses can lead to issues when calculating damages.
So, document every cost related to the accident and keep copies of receipts, medical bills, and proof of missed work. This documentation will strengthen your case and help your attorney pursue the full settlement you deserve.
8. Talking too much to the insurance company
While it’s essential to report the accident to your insurance company – be cautious about what you say. Insurance companies might try to use your statements against you to reduce your claim. Only provide necessary details and avoid discussing fault. If you’re unsure about what to say – consider seeking legal advice first.