New York Times in were

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New York Times in were

Post by leadseodata »

Instances of this sort of data-driven content marketing include:Rave Reviews, a product review site, taps into IMDB data to determine the most popular TV show in every country.Ask Traders, a hub for stock traders, researched CEO names, salary data, and baby names to publish an article on which baby names are most likely to set a person up to make the most money:Provision Living, a national senior-living community, analyzed public FTC data to determine which states get hit hardest with robocalls/potential scams.All these examples also were picked up by multiple media sites.

In the Provision Living example, found the data so compelling taiwan mobile numbers it did its own visualization:These public, non-proprietary data sources are all around. In many cases, they are free or inexpensive just like the tools that can help synthesize the data into a powerful visual story.HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Free Ways to Get Original Data for Your ContentAudiences are drawn to data visualizationsFor years, publishers have known how powerful data can be for storytelling. (Two of the top three most-read stories from The data-driven visualizations).

The COVID- crisis has helped others recognize the power of data visualization.The notion of “flattening the curve” is rooted in data visualization. This piece from The Washington Post illustrating how social distancing can help reduce the spread of the virus became the site’s most-viewed story ever. The Financial Times created a data visualization that became the most popular all-time story on its site.Image SourceThe Financial Times charts’ creator John Burn-Murdoch has gained more than , Twitter followers since its publication.
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