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Brand awareness can be divided into two general categories:

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:37 am
by Dhakaseors850
Brand Awareness: You see the store in the mall.
Interest: The moment you enter the store.
User experience: you browse through the product pages of the t-shirts.
The layout of the page is fluid: the jerseys are there and some interest is created.
Wish through cross-selling : a scarf is recommended.
Final conversion: the purchase of both items.
Tips to optimize each stage
1.- Brand awareness
Every new online business should start with a brand awareness campaign. You business mailing list poland need to get people to know that you have arrived and that you have great things to offer.

Assisted knowledge. This occurs when you are faced with several brands and feel familiar with one of them.
Top of mind. If, for example, you think of fast food and the first thing that comes to mind is McDonald's, it means that they do a good job of brand awareness.
However, these concepts are not everything. In addition to brand awareness, there are two other concepts that you should familiarize yourself with:

Strategic awareness. This occurs when someone not only recognizes a brand, but also knows the characteristics that positively differentiate it from another.
Brand preference. This is the concept that refers to consumers who choose to buy from your brand rather than from the competition. In fact, it is the type of behavior that any business wants to achieve, since one of its direct consequences is increased sales.
Although brand awareness covers so many aspects, there are tools available to anyone to help you understand what and how much is known about your brand.

Google Analytics.
Facebook information.
Twitter and its advanced search feature will allow you to stay on top of your competition.
How to increase your brand awareness?
define a conversion funnel

Create a referral program. Word of mouth can be a very powerful tool for you.
Affiliate marketing. This involves paying a commission to other websites for sales made from the traffic they generate. This opens up a huge potential for users that would be difficult to access if they were not part of that community.
Design and share infographics on social media. The chances of an infographic being shared on social media are much higher than a blog post.
Videos. Video content is one of the most popular types of content: it stands alone. This makes it easy to distribute without the need to create long texts or design additional details.
2.- Generate interest and desire
define a conversion funnel

Another necessary phase in defining a conversion funnel involves generating interest and increasing desire. And the best advice you can follow is this: Consumers have to believe that your product will solve their problem. In this way, you have to advertise the solution, not talk about the problem itself.