Numbers are not just numbers
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 8:13 am
Open applications. Becoming a corporate creator shouldn’t be a chore, so only those who are truly eager to try should be involved. We simply posted a message on Basecamp , our virtual office, where people could apply.
Create your guidelines. This is essential for videos to have the same style. Give instructions on how to record videos and, if you are not going to be editing, find characteristics to always replicate (this can be colors, subtitle fonts, and so on).
Create a database of business creators. This is also important: people need to talk about topics they feel knowledgeable and comfortable with. In this database, keep track of these topics and the next point.
Generate a list of content to do. Possibly for each person think together a series of possible contents. This will help both you (or someone on your behalf) to create the editorial plan and your company creators to organize themselves.
Now all you have to do is publish. And let me know if you test this strategy in the next year.
The ads that will work in the next few months will be made (and created) like this
We talked about positioning, content, corporate creators and even artificial intelligence.
What's missing? Advertising. And who better than Pietro Fiore , advertiser in Accelerator, to find new inspiration and take your campaigns to the next level? Let's see what he has to say for the next year.
Peter Flower
Although this is a basic rule for every business, today more than ever an effective advertising strategy is a strategy tailored to the customer .
Remember to continually ask yourself what your target audience is thinking and if they have questions you can answer.
This of course also includes thinking about where they are in the customer journey .
Very often, a user sees our ads on platforms hong kong telegram mobile phone number list like Facebook and TikTok, arrives on the site, abandons it and after a more or less time searches for us again on Google or YouTube.
È importante farci trovare anche a questo punto, magari con campagne di brand protection attive, specialmente se abbiamo competitor che puntano sulle nostre keyword.
A questo proposito, tutti sappiamo che con l’avvento di iOS 14.5 molti business hanno avuto un grosso impatto sulle performance delle campagne.
Le campagne con pubblici LAL e il retargeting, non ricevendo abbastanza dati di qualità, hanno iniziato a sottoperformare e il ritorno sulla spesa è crollato.
Create your guidelines. This is essential for videos to have the same style. Give instructions on how to record videos and, if you are not going to be editing, find characteristics to always replicate (this can be colors, subtitle fonts, and so on).
Create a database of business creators. This is also important: people need to talk about topics they feel knowledgeable and comfortable with. In this database, keep track of these topics and the next point.
Generate a list of content to do. Possibly for each person think together a series of possible contents. This will help both you (or someone on your behalf) to create the editorial plan and your company creators to organize themselves.
Now all you have to do is publish. And let me know if you test this strategy in the next year.
The ads that will work in the next few months will be made (and created) like this
We talked about positioning, content, corporate creators and even artificial intelligence.
What's missing? Advertising. And who better than Pietro Fiore , advertiser in Accelerator, to find new inspiration and take your campaigns to the next level? Let's see what he has to say for the next year.
Peter Flower
Although this is a basic rule for every business, today more than ever an effective advertising strategy is a strategy tailored to the customer .
Remember to continually ask yourself what your target audience is thinking and if they have questions you can answer.
This of course also includes thinking about where they are in the customer journey .
Very often, a user sees our ads on platforms hong kong telegram mobile phone number list like Facebook and TikTok, arrives on the site, abandons it and after a more or less time searches for us again on Google or YouTube.
È importante farci trovare anche a questo punto, magari con campagne di brand protection attive, specialmente se abbiamo competitor che puntano sulle nostre keyword.
A questo proposito, tutti sappiamo che con l’avvento di iOS 14.5 molti business hanno avuto un grosso impatto sulle performance delle campagne.
Le campagne con pubblici LAL e il retargeting, non ricevendo abbastanza dati di qualità, hanno iniziato a sottoperformare e il ritorno sulla spesa è crollato.