Is design for my company?

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Is design for my company?

Post by nurnobi40 »

Design is a business practice that creates differentiation in the visual communication of brands.

Some companies use design so well that they become recognized primarily for the visual style of their branding.

The term design is extremely broad and means a number of things such as: project, drawing, form and function. In the context of marketing, the best-known derivations of design are: graphic design , packaging design , UI design and UX design.

Graphic Design
Before explaining a little about each of these designs, a brief explanation of the difference between the work and the result of the work and the professional who performs it is in order.

The professional is the DESIGNER , and the material, the result of this professional's work, is DESIGN . Don't get confused. It's very common to hear "oh, that's cool, you're a designer?" No, the person doesn't design , they design .

Graphic design is the area that deals with visual communication, whether printed or digital. Among the main concerns of the graphic designer are the choice of colors, typography, images and formats.

Each of these 4 elements can be manipulated afghanistan phone number data and combined in countless ways, giving rise to websites, logos, promotional materials, visual identity systems, among other applications.

Packaging Design
Packaging design involves everything from the label to the shape of the containers that store consumer products.

Nowadays, when you go to the supermarket you come across packaging on practically all products, with a few exceptions (vegetables, fruits and greens).

Designers who work with packaging need to understand consumer and retail behavior, because practically all purchasing decisions (brand and product) are made within the supermarket environment itself. Therefore, packaging has been increasingly valued within business strategies.

Not to mention that new packaging, even for old products, usually increases sales. People feel a certain attraction to new packaging, they want to try the product to see if anything has changed.

So much so that some labels even feature the words “new packaging”. Rationally, what does this mean? None. But emotionally, this little phrase connects with the consumer and makes them want to try it.

If your company sells any product with packaging, start taking better care of the packaging design right now.

There is also the use of packaging as media, where you can advertise other products from the same brand, you can inform the consumer how to best use that product, you can direct them to a specific website, in short, you can use packaging as a direct communication channel with the consumer and take advantage of that.

UI Design
UI is the acronym for the English term User Interface . Websites, applications, landing pages, self-service screens, ATMs, all digital platforms that are used by someone to perform some operation need an interface designer.

The interface refers to the screen where you have the instructions, information and interaction buttons. There is a lot of science that goes into designing interfaces.

One of the main objectives when designing an interface is that it is user-friendly, easy to use and intuitive, that is, that it can be understood with little or no explanation.
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