Multithreading in Java: First Steps to Parallel Programming

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Multithreading in Java: First Steps to Parallel Programming

Post by jewameb621 »

Multithreading programming is becoming increasingly important in the world of software development as modern computers have multi-core processors. One of the programming languages ​​that provides convenient and efficient multithreading programming is Java. In this article, we will cover the basics of multithreading in Java and how to start using it in your programs.

What are threads in Java?

A thread in Java is an independent unit of execution that albania telegram data can run in parallel with other threads in the same program. Multithreading allows you to increase the performance and efficiency of a program by breaking it down into smaller tasks that run in parallel.

Creating a Thread

There are two ways to create a thread in Java:

1. Extending the Thread class : You can create a new class that inherits the `Thread` class and override the `run()` method. For example:

class MyThread extends Thread {
public void run() {
// Code to be executed in the thread

2. Implementing the Runnable interface : Another way is to create a class that implements the `Runnable` interface and override the `run()` method. Then you can create an instance of the class and pass it to the constructor of the `Thread` class. For example:

class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
// Code to be executed in the thread

// Creating a thread based on MyRunnable
Thread myThread = new Thread(new MyRunnable());

Starting a Thread

To start a thread, call the `start()` method on an instance of the `Thread` class. For example:


This call starts the execution of the `run()` method in a separate thread.
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