5 Steps to an Effective Lead Generation Strategy

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5 Steps to an Effective Lead Generation Strategy

Post by tonmoypramanik »

Step #1 – Offer Premium Content Offers
To generate leads on the Internet, you need to attract qualified visitors to your website and then encourage them to leave you their contact information.

There is no magic formula for this: you have to convince them to make this effort by offering them something in return that is commensurate with their needs.

Offering premium content is essential to leading an effective B2B lead generation strategy.

Firstly, because it allows you to validate that the visitor is actively considering purchasing.

If you download our guide to successfully switch to B2B Inbound Marketing in 120 days , we can logically deduce that you are mature on the subject and that you may need help in defining and implementing your Inbound Marketing strategy.

In short, you will be a good prospect for us.

Your premium content offer must therefore allow you to validate the interest of a lead but morocco email list also convince them to leave you their contact details. It must therefore provide convincing value.

As part of a B2B lead generation strategy, your premium content offer can take various forms: white paper, webinar, checklist, market study, customer case, demo request, quote request, etc.

Naturally, as we discussed earlier, you need to offer different content offerings that cover your target's entire purchasing journey.

Step #2 – Integrate call-to-action buttons into your website
In order for your visitors to agree to give you their contact information in exchange for a premium content offer, they first need to notice your offer.

To do this, it is essential to integrate call-to-action buttons into each of the pages of your website.

New call-to-action
Here is an example of a Call-to-Action. For your lead generation strategy to be successful, your Call-to-Action must be:
Visible ;
Adapted to the visitor's position in the purchasing journey;
Also, don't hesitate to include several Call-to-Actions if your page is quite long.

Step #3 – Send the visitor to an optimized landing page
Now that your visitor has clicked on your Call-to-Action, your goal is clear and unique: convert them into a lead.

To do this, you need to put all the chances on your side so that he fills out your lead generation form.

It is essential here to point your Call-to-Action and therefore to send your visitor to a landing page dedicated to your offer. We are talking about a Landing Page .

convert your visitors into leads with a landing page

Here is an example of a Landing Page that performs very well in our lead generation strategy.

An effective Landing Page is a Landing Page that:

Limit distractions;
Clearly presents the added value of your offer;
Integrates an optimized lead generation form;
Which naturally brings us to the next step.

Step #4 – Propose a suitable form
The form is the crucial element of your B2B lead generation strategy. Without a form, you simply cannot generate leads .

Most companies I come across use the same form for their contact page as they do for their download pages.

This is a major mistake. Why?

Your form must be perfectly adapted to the nature of your content offer and the visitor's position in the purchasing journey.

The further along a visitor is in their purchasing process, the more mature and ready they are to engage with you. You can't ask the same information from someone who is just starting their thinking process as you can from someone who has been thinking about it for months.

For your lead generation strategy to be successful, you need to think about your forms based on the nature of your premium content offer.

For an Awareness content offer, your form will only ask for basic information. This is normal, the visitor at this stage is not ready to commit.

For a Decision content offering, you can ask for much more.

You see the idea?

To be more concrete, here is an example of what we do for the agency:

The Perfect Emailing Checklist – Lead Generation Awareness Offer
5 Steps to Winning Customers with B2B Emailing – Lead Generation Consideration Offer
Free Digital Marketing Audit – Lead Generation Decision Offer
As you can see by analyzing the Landing Pages above, we do not ask for the same information from one offer to another.

We keep it simple for the Awareness offering, dig a little deeper with the Consideration offering, and ask for very specific information for the Decision offering.

This distinction is essential if you want to run an effective B2B lead generation strategy. Without these adjustments, you will not achieve your goals.

To go further, a Marketing Automation tool like Hubspot also allows you to set up smart lead generation forms that replace fields already filled in during a previous upload with others.

Smart forms allow you to limit the number of fields in your forms to optimize your conversion rate, while still capturing the information you need to qualify and convert your leads.

Great, isn't it?

To go further here, we published an article listing the reasons why no one fills out your lead generation forms .

Step #5 – Promote it all
Once you have completed the previous 4 steps, you have set up your conversion funnel. Your website is ready to generate quality leads.

Now, for this you need visitors.

For your lead generation strategy to be successful, you must integrate it into an overall Inbound Marketing strategy that will allow you to attract more qualified visitors to your website .

In short, you must use all the Web Marketing levers at your disposal to promote your blog articles and your premium content offers:

Natural referencing
Social networks
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