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10 essential steps for doing Inbound Marketing in B2B

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:41 am
by tonmoypramanik
1. REALLY Train Yourself in Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing is like many things: many people talk about it but very few actually do it.

Inbound Marketing is used in all sorts of ways and some people don't hesitate to entice you by constantly putting the promise of Inbound Marketing under your nose:

“Inbound Marketing is great, it allows you to attract customers to you rather than chasing them”

It's true.

But to take full advantage of Inbound Marketing, there is a very precise methodology to follow . If you don't apply it to the letter, you could wait for the results for months and months, you will never see them.

Attracting customers to you doesn't mean effortless. Inbound Marketing is all about new zealand email list refocusing your energy, skills and resources.

Before launching the big maneuvers, I strongly recommend that you study the Inbound Marketing methodology and then experiment. To do this, you can:

Read our Inbound Marketing Guide for Innovative Businesses
Read our Guide to Successfully Going Inbound in 120 Days
Take Hubspot's (free) Inbound Marketing Certification
Regularly consult the Inbound Marketing expert blogs
2. Define Specific and Complementary Objectives
Without a goal, there are no results. Like many, I learned this when I started Inbound Marketing more than 8 years ago now.

You should set SMART goals for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Real and Time-bound.

Work here on a revenue goal from which will flow a goal of customers, leads and visitors needed to generate all of this.

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3. Promote Collaboration between Marketing and Sales
Marketing and Sales must now work hand in hand. This is the only way to meet the expectations of the modern B2B buyer .

Concretely, Marketing must generate qualified leads, bring them to maturity and transmit them to the sales team who will take care of the conversion.

This is a sine qua non condition for the success of your Inbound Marketing strategy.

4. Work on your Personas and their Purchasing Journey
Inbound Marketing strategy consists of attracting visitors to your website, converting them into qualified leads and then into loyal customers.

To do this, it is important to deliver the right message to the right person, in the right place and at the right time.

There is no secret here: you need to know your customers inside out and fully understand how they buy in order to offer them content that answers all the questions they ask themselves according to their level of maturity.

This is the whole point of working with Personas, essential work for creating the right Inbound Marketing strategy.

5. Build your Inbound Marketing Strategy
Now that you have specific goals and know your target's expectations, you can build your strategy.

Don't take this step lightly: it is important to work on a documented Inbound Marketing strategy to obtain results.

Would you like to discuss your Inbound Marketing Strategy with an expert? Take advantage of a Free Audit!
6. Optimize your website for inbound marketing
To generate leads with your Inbound Marketing strategy, you need to have visitors on your website and convert them.

Your website must therefore be visible and designed for conversion.

I recommend you to read the article I recently wrote to transform your website into a customer machine .

We talk in particular about referencing in search engines and creating a conversion funnel: 2 foundations of an effective Inbound Marketing strategy.

7 Write Quality Content
Doing Inbound Marketing means completely reviewing the way you approach customers.

To carry out an effective Inbound Marketing strategy, you must accept to no longer sell in order to guide the buyer through the purchasing journey.

The key here is to objectively address the buyer's issues and the questions they ask throughout their purchasing journey by creating quality web content.

8. Promote your Content
If your content is optimized for the web, it will rank well in search engines. But you can't stop there.

You must use all channels available to you to get your content to the buyer.

Promote your content on your target's preferred social networks and also consider delivering it by email, as emailing remains the most effective lever in B2B today.

Inbound Marketing is a multi-channel strategy.

9. Analyze your Inbound Marketing Actions
One of the major advantages of Inbound Marketing is the ability to measure the performance of your actions in real time.

So take care to regularly analyze the impact of your actions in order to define what works, what doesn't work and to optimize your Inbound Marketing strategy over time.

10. Invest in a Marketing Automation Tool
Let’s not lie to ourselves: an effective Inbound Marketing strategy requires a lot of work.

Now, you might be wondering how you're going to be able to do all this with the little time you have?

I highly recommend investing in a Marketing Automation tool in order to save time by automating low value-added tasks to allocate it to your Inbound Marketing strategy .

Marketing Automation also allows you to automatically measure the qualification and maturity level of your leads, send automatic emails based on their behavior or even transmit the hottest leads to salespeople at the best time.