Click on 'create new custom model

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Click on 'create new custom model

Post by arzina221 »

7. Time Decay Model
This is perhaps the best conversion attribution model available. In this model, you can include time in your conversion attribution calculations. By default, it is set to seven days. This means that all clicks up to seven days ago, which occur before the conversion, are only credited half as much as the clicks on the day of the conversion. This is closer to fair attribution. After all, clicks on the day of the conversion itself naturally have more influence on a conversion than a click that occurred seven days ago.

8. Own attribution model
Of course you can also set up your own attribution model. What should you pay attention to when setting it up?

How much time do your conversion paths take?
How many clicks do you need before a visitor converts?
Which channels have the most value for your website?
For example, you can choose an attribution model, in which you devalue the value of direct traffic. Direct traffic is not a channel at all. How do you create such a model?

Choose your baseline model. For example, the time decay model.
Choose your overview period. In this case I choose 90 days.
Choose user engagement as an indicator. I choose visit depth, as I find this a better indicator than average visit duration.
Choose custom credit rules. In this case, I ivory coast phone data choose not to credit direct traffic more than the other channels. In short: I devalue the value of direct traffic.
Custom Attribution Model

Devalue direct traffic

What is the value of your referral traffic?
Now you want to compare this modified attribution model to one of the other models. I am going to compare this model to the traditional last interaction model. In the model below you can see that the revenue from referral traffic increases by over 80% when you devalue the value of direct traffic.

Exclude direct traffic_model

Referral traffic is of course pure word of mouth communication. For this site it is not an unnecessary luxury to focus on this instead of continuing to sponsor Google.
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