We're not even that different from each other
Of course, we all think we are individuals. We are not at all like our neighbors and sometimes we even hate them a little. Sometimes we don't want to compare ourselves to them at all, but we probably aren't that different from each other. How often do you hear someone say 'I would rather live in the city, but hey, it's so nice for the kids' or 'as soon as the kids leave home, we're going back to the city'?
Families with young children with an above-average income are looking for a residential area focused on children, but where there is still investment in the luxury of the facilities for the parents. They often need a larger car, where safety is central. See the residential area with people with an above-average income, with one or two young children and a Volvo in front of the door.
Children's profile
Example of customer data compared to households in the Netherlands. Source: 4orange
You can also look at individual households, instead of at postcode level. The life phase that families are in is often interesting. Double-income couples who live in an apartment often do not usa phone data have pets. They often do come as soon as they have children who are five or six years old. And then they also go to a recreation park or a campsite with the children. When the children leave home, there is more time left and they start taking long trips. That is also the moment when city trips can become popular. The life phase also says a lot about brand preference.
Now, what can we do with this data?
With external data, such as that from the CCI survey, you can do fun things as an organization. You can compare your organization's customer base with all Dutch households. You can then see which households are overrepresented. You can compare based on household type, life stage, education and the number and age of children in the household.
A relevant and not even that difficult question, but unfortunately I see this test far too little. Resulting in campaigns that diffuse the brand rather than strengthen it. Short term versus long term or just short-sighted?
Marketers are not anti-brand thinkers
Of course, marketers are not anti-brand thinkers. On the contrary. They also understand that a stronger brand makes their marketing activities more profitable. The fact that it still does not succeed sufficiently has to do with a number of factors, including.