A more sophisticated tool provided by recruitment management software

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A more sophisticated tool provided by recruitment management software

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

The turnover of messages on social media is much faster than other online methods. Posts are quickly replaced by other newer content, quickly pushing your updates down your target’s newsfeed, making it essential that you are hitting the site at the right time. The only way to get this right is research and testing. Use shortened trackable links to monitor where your traffic is coming from – which posts in particular are most effective – to get an idea of the most successful posting times. Once you have built up intelligence on the most successful times, you can concentrate on these and avoid wasting your precious time posting when your target audience is not online.

Can provide huge insights into your candidates with accurate source tracking. Once bahrain whatsapp phone number you have a clear idea of your best (and worst) social media sources, you know where to invest your time and can make decisions on what social media sites are to focus your efforts on.

Recruitment software also allows you to post your jobs to social media in just a few clicks. Integration with LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus means less moving between sites, copy and pasting and manual tracking, allowing you to spend your time on more valuable things like getting your job descriptions perfect.

Catch their Eye

Job descriptions become even more important on social media as you need to stand out amongst the non-work posts which, let’s face it, tends to me more exciting! Of course the prospect of a new job is very interesting, but to candidates, especially passive candidates, recruiters have their work cut out for them to stand out amongst the special offers, friend’s pictures and latest celebrity gossip!

Using attractive key words can often help to get candidates’ attention, and this can help you too if you have applicant tracking software. By using your preferred keywords in the adverts, candidates who most identify with them are more likely to apply – and these will feed into your recruitment system so you can identify those candidates who have those key words in their application. Plus, using your keywords also helps with the SEO for your website, which should increase natural traffic to your site.
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