Which made him come off as inauthentic

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Which made him come off as inauthentic

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

I love the new year because it gives people the time and motivation to sit down and look deeply at what they’ve been doing in their job search and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in their game plans. What story have you been telling? How have you been telling it? And who have you been telling it to?

It's time to really look at your plan, and tweak it, until you get the best result. Here are 5 steps to a new year, a new job, and hopefully a new you:

Step 1: Check your Ego.
I fully believe job searching is a journey of self-discovery. For a lot of people, it’s cameroon whatsapp phone number humbling- and this is a good thing. We all need lessons in humility more often than we may think.

Years ago, I had an executive level client that I thought was extremely strong, but he had been out for quite some time and we couldn’t figure out why. I speculated that it had to be something he was saying or doing in interviews. As luck would have it, we had a need for a pro bono client and I was able to put him through Challenger, Gray & Christmas’ outplacement program (his competing paid program had struggled to help). It was after CGC's training that we all realized what the problem was: The nice guy I knew, that had an incredible amount of experience, transformed into an absolute jerk when he got into interviews. An unseen arrogance and pompousness (likely covering insecurity) was seething through every buttonhole in his suit. It was shocking.

The truth is, this was not who he was at his core – His ego was in the way. When employers are in a buyer’s market, that’s going to get you eliminated every time.
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