CRM is important because it enables a business to deepen its relationships with customers, business partners and suppliers and make profits.
For service providers
Persons registered with MERSIS and authorized according to this record can apply with their current information using their corporate e-mail address. Authorized persons who will apply must read and sign the Basic Services Usage Commitment with their electronic signature tokens. After your information is reviewed and questioned, you must fill out the preliminary application form, upload your documents and wait for the approval from the system.
For buyers
Recipients can easily perform approval and rejection transactions via the Message Management System's website, call center or e-Government portal. Permissions to be uploaded by recipients are created by recording them on the system's secure database, consisting of contact information, permission type (approval/rejection), permission date, communication channel preference and permission source documents.
Sending approval can be obtained from three different environments: Physical, electronic and via IYS. You can obtain your approval by signing a form or survey in a physical environment. In an electronic environment, you can obtain sending approval via text message, social media tools or website resources; or via IYS via IYS's own mobile programs and call center.
follow up-to-date application dates, y ercial electronic messages.
You can also contact our agency Setup34, which is a business Chinese Overseas British Phone Number Data partner of IYS, to register for the Delivery Management System, which provides control of commercial messages !
It is very important to get high efficiency in mass e-mail sending and convert the obtained efficiency into sales. At this point, you need to structure your e-mail marketing strategies correctly. Correctly structured e-mailing strategies take companies one step ahead of their competitors. For this reason, the basic points you need to pay attention to in e-mail marketing are as follows;
When doing e-mail marketing, it is necessary to determine the person or institutions to whom the e-mail will be sent very well. For this, authorized institutions or individuals should be used as a priority. Otherwise, due to spam coming from unauthorized people, the opening rates of the e-mails sent will decrease and it will be difficult for the e-mail campaign to reach the determined result. For this reason, there should definitely be an unsubscribe link under your e-mail designs.
In the next step, authorized people should be analyzed well. In this analysis process, all demographic characteristics that can be considered as social status such as where people live and their gender should be analyzed and taken into consideration. Thus, according to the determined demographic characteristics, people or institutions can be grouped and personalized e-mails can be sent. In this way, maximum benefit is obtained from e-mail marketing strategies.
Thirdly, the e-mail you have prepared should be prepared with separate content specific to the people and institutions you have previously grouped. In this way, you can attract the attention of potential customers and create the feeling that they need your company, thus increasing your sales.
In addition to the third step, the use of templates is very important in e-mail marketing campaigns. The e-mail should attract attention at first glance when it is opened and the potential customer should be prompted to read the e-mail at that moment. Otherwise, the customer will leave without reading the e-mail. If this happens, the e-mail strategy will not have achieved its goal.
There are many methods of e-mail template design. One of these is that you can create an e-mail template using old methods such as HTML coding, or you can create e-mail template designs that will attract the attention of your target audience in a short time with the drag-and-drop method without using coding and design skills .
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