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What did the Portuguese see on Facebook in 2018?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:15 am
by Raihanseo120
28 December, 2018 @ 3:02 pmby Gonçalo Sousain 5º P - Promotion , Digital Strategy , Digital Marketing , Social NetworksLeave a comment
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Facebook released a retrospective of 2018 in Portugal , highlighting the greece email list main ways in which people from all over the world, and in our country , connected to their communities on the social network.

In Portugal , the 10 most discussed topics in 2018 on the world's largest social network were the following:

The 90th Annual Academy Awards
Portuguese National Team (participation in the Football World Cup)
Stephen Hawking's Death
International Women's Day
Spanish National Team (participation in the Football World Cup)
Palm Oil Advertisement
Aretha Franklin 's Death
April 25th Celebrations
Loulé Carnival
Sporting Clube de Portugal (event on May 15th at the Alcochete Academy)
Facebook also saw diverse communities come together to celebrate moments.

The biggest events, organized on Facebook , in Portugal , throughout the year:


NOS Alive 2018
Porto Ribbon Burning 2018
Maria Leal At Rock in Rio 2018
Pearl Jam – Live 2018: Europe Tour
White Night Braga 2018
Globally, the events that stood out the most on Facebook were:

World Cup 2018
More than 383 million football fans from around the world took to Facebook to support their favourite teams through 2.3 billion posts, comments, reactions and shares. France’s victory on 15 July was one of the most talked about moments of the year.

Super Bowl 52
The Philadelphia Eagles secured their first Super Bowl victory against the New England Patriots on Feb. 4. More than 62 million people flocked to Facebook after Tom Brady's incomplete Hail Mary pass late in the game and Justin Timberlake's halftime tribute concert to Prince.

Royal Wedding
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding on May 19 brought together 42 million people on Facebook who posted about the ceremony, the newlyweds, and all the pomp and circumstance.

Regarding live videos , the one that stood out the most in Portugal was a performance by accordionist Rita Melo :

What are the most viewed topics on Facebook around the world?
At an international level, the 3 most discussed topics on Facebook were the following:

International Women's Day
For the second year in a row, International Women’s Day – March 8th – was the most talked about topic. But in 2018, the conversations about this moment went beyond the day itself. Women and men from all over the world discussed a diverse range of topics, issues, and causes related to women.

March for Our Lives
Survivors of the Parkland, Florida, shooting announced the “March for Our Lives” movement on February 18, which sparked conversations and actions around the world. Over the next month, more than 1 million people expressed interest in participating in the Facebook event , and more than $2.5 million was donated through Facebook Fundraisers.

Civic engagement
The presidential elections in Brazil , on October 7, and the midterm elections in the United States, on November 6, were the main moments for conversation about voting and local changes in government.