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Generate leads with a landing page

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:52 am
by sheikh12345
Landing pages are an important early part of the sales funnel that many potential leads come into contact with. They’re also a place where you can explain your products or offers in more detail than on social media channels or a popup.

If you set up a free giveaway (as covered in the previous section), don’t forget to create a fantastic landing page that not only highlights the giveaway, but also effectively markets your site, your products, and your content.

Don’t simply say, “Want one? It’s free!”

Rather, take the time to explain tunisia phone number list how your giveaway will benefit your visitors. Highlight the regular price of your special report, or note how much money buyers can save by using your coupon. Explaining your offer in detail can also increase lead quality, as those who sign up are really interested in what you have to offer.

The more attractive you make the freebie, the more likely you are to successfully convert potential leads into new sales leads.


Landing pages are a great lead gen strategy
3. Use gated videos
Another winning method to quickly generate leads is to add gated videos to your site.

Gated content is simply any content on your site that can’t be viewed until visitors complete a form. This lets you capture contact information from prospects who are interested enough in the videos you’ve produced to share their personal info.

However, be aware that gating information can dramatically reduce the number of downloads or views. You might lose a paying customer if you require them to enter their email in order to see a video.

Make sure that your content marketing is geared towards developing a relationship rather than simply maximizing views. To use a gated video to generate leads, you can use Wistia Turnstile to add an email opt-in form to a video you upload.