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The Mailfence Threat Model

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:57 am
We believe that every user has the right to know exactly what threats Mailfence , a secure and private email software package, DOES or DOES NOT PROTECT THEM FROM . That is why we have created this generic threat model for Mailfence.

«Mailfence» WILL PROTECT YOU against:
Spying on your internet connection – When you use Mailfence, the connection between your computer and the Mailfence server is protected by encryption ( SSL/TLS ). This means that if someone tries to spy on your internet connection, they will not be able to read the traffic you send to our website. This is an especially important component of the threat model if you use your computer from a public or corporate network, or if you are using an unencrypted wireless connection.
Mass Surveillance – Perfect for an individual (or corporation) who list of australia whatsapp phone numbers does NOT want the government (or other non-state actors) to have access to all of their emails at any time. Mailfence does not work like other giant US actors (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!…) who continuously inspect and store all of your conversations. Our end-to-end encryption technology (E2EE) is designed to protect you from anyone trying to intrude on your email privacy, by implementing absolute confidentiality and integrity to your messages, where only a specific recipient can read the content of a message, decrypting it using their own private key.
Message Forgery / Manipulation Attacks – Using digital signatures , Mailfence offers you the possibility of having absolute authenticity and non-repudiation, making it the only solution that offers the complete CID triad to its users, and also an ideal platform not only for privacy enthusiasts, but also for professionals (doctors, engineers, lawyers, journalists, teachers, students…) so that they can exercise their freedoms on the Internet to the fullest extent.


Compromised Accounts – If your account password is compromised, the passphrase protection layer over your private key prevents an attacker from performing crypto activities (such as sending any encrypted and/or digitally signed messages , performing operations on your key store , etc.) or reading any encrypted emails you have received from others. This way, the confidentiality and integrity of your encrypted content is protected to the maximum extent possible.