Steps to follow if your email is hacked

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[email protected]
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Steps to follow if your email is hacked

Post by [email protected] »

Email Hacking: How to Tell if You've Been Hacked Most of us use email so often, and from so many different machines, there's always the possibility of being hacked.

But don't panic. While it can be very worrying to discover that your privacy has been compromised, you can prevent future hacking attempts.

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How can I tell if my email account has been hacked?
Your password no longer works
Changing your password is often the first thing hackers do when they have managed to hack your account. This is how they try to prevent you from logging in.


Responses from contacts you haven't written to recently
When your password has not been changed, you will continue to receive your emails as usual. Afterwards, you may receive emails from relatives telling you that they have received spam messages from you, or unusual messages (advertising, messages that do not resemble your writing style, or any message that you have never sent them).

Emails you didn't send, in your outbox before the hack
Identifying some emails that you have never sent in your sent messages folder is another interesting indicator that your email account has been compromised.
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