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Native Advertising: definition, advantages and strategy

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:58 am
by mstlucky8072
Native Ads, Native Advertising or native advertising, so many vague terms which nevertheless designate an advertisement perfectly integrated on a website, so well integrated in fact that visitors do not always realize that it is an advertisement.

With native ads, no more banner ads that take up half the screen, no more pop-ups that pop up while browsing. Thanks to them, marketing is non-intrusive. Needless to say, in terms of user experience, this technique is particularly formidable. However, this is not the only advantage.

So, to guide you on this subject, from the advantages to the advice to follow to set up a winning Native Ads strategy, we suggest taking stock together, with a bonus, a small selection of the best native advertising tools and platforms.

In the photo we see a man working on online advertisements

Native Advertising or native advertising: definition
Let’s take a deeper look at what native advertising is, including the different formats available, with some examples as a bonus.

What is Native Advertising?
Native Advertising (Native Ads) is an advertisement inserted naturally into editorial content (web page, newsletter , video, application, social networks , etc.). The advertisement is added directly to the office 365 database page, so as to give the impression that it blends into the content . It therefore integrates perfectly with the visual aspects of the medium on which it is located.


In other words, advertising should not appear intrusive and, above all, should not disturb the user experience . Blending into the background is its leitmotif. But far from wanting to deceive consumers, its role is to bring added value to editorial content , unlike traditional advertising.

Screenshot of native advertising on the 20 Minutes newspaper website

But against all expectations, native advertising is also a way to bypass ad blockers ( Adblock , for example) and the increasingly common behavior of Internet users who aim to avoid advertising content.

Native advertising formats
A native advertising campaign can use different formats.

The “ In-Feed Ad Units  ” format, with sponsored articles or ads designed to appear as articles and match the editorial content surrounding them;
The “ Search Ads ” format (search network), advertisements that appear at the top of search engine results, with the mention “Sponsored”, and which look like the other results displayed ( Google Ads and Bing Ads , for example);
Also read our article “ How to create a profitable Google Ads campaign? ”.In this screenshot, sponsored ads on Google for the search “buy joinery”
The “ Recommendation Widgets ” format, consisting of links to content and pages related to the subject covered by the page viewed (usually paid advertisements that lead to other sites and advertisements);
The “ Sponsored Ads ” format , with a list of sponsored products at the top of e-commerce site pages (this is the case with Amazon) and which appear like other product lists, but also lists of recommended products or “products frequently purchased together”;In this screenshot, product suggestions from the Amazon site linked to the item viewedIn this screenshot, suggestions for products frequently purchased together.
The “ In-App Ads ” format, contextual text ads that contain advertisements related to the editorial content of the page on which they appear.In this screenshot, an ad integrated into the Marie Claire Cuisine et Vins website
Note that this last example is interesting. Indeed, the ad above is an integrated ad for the purchase of fresh products directly. And what do you notice? The latter is displayed and is not blocked by our ad blocker, unlike the ad below.

Obviously, this list is not exhaustive, there are still other formats, but these are the most common.

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Native advertising: the advantages
By reading the above, you have certainly already noticed the advantages that native advertising or integrated advertising can have compared to other advertising formats.

Improving the user experience of Internet users with Native Ads
As we have seen, native advertising is intended to be, by nature, non-intrusive. Also, its interest is to adapt as much as possible to the user's behavior (center of interest, browsing habits on a website, etc.).

This is why a well-conducted and ethical Native Advertising strategy brings real informative added value. You can thus promote your company's expertise and increase the conversion rate in the long term.

Generating Consumer Interest with Native Ads
According to a study by IPG Media Lab, native ads are viewed 52% more often than traditional banner ads. And for good reason, since many of us use ad blockers, which are almost essential for browsing peacefully. Millions of people therefore do not see traditional ads, unlike native ads which are not blocked (see our previous example).

Moreover, native advertising becomes useful if the strategy and content are right . Imagine you want to learn how to draw and you are researching the recommended equipment for a beginner. The native advertising on the site you are browsing highlights the said necessary equipment, so it is a real boost for you. You click and you arrive directly on the advertiser's site, without any further research.

Therefore, by providing additional information to visitors to a site through your native ads, you generate interest without making them feel overwhelmed by the ad and without it bothering them in their navigation. And let's not forget that thanks to the relevant content of the page where your ad is displayed, you reinforce the credibility of your business and encourage action .

As you will have understood, thanks to Native Advertising, you can increase the click rate of your advertisements, and at the same time, reduce their bounce rate.

Adapting to changing consumer behavior
As we mentioned, online consumers are fleeing advertising, and that's quite normal, since we are now invaded by it. This explains why a traditional advertising strategy is less and less effective. Today, user experience and personalization are the key words. And native advertising adapts to this change, it responds above all to these new challenges and can even promote positive interactions with the brand.