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Googlebot From Directing Unwanted

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 5:21 am
by sadiksojib127
Here's a quick breakdown of the types of information you can get from your crawl report. GSC crawl budget optimization The main crawl graph will show you a visual representation of Googlebot's crawl activity. Here you can see how many crawl requests Google has made over the last days, as well as the average response time of your site's server and the total number of bytes downloaded during the crawl.

The 'Host status' section will tell you if the browser is ecuador telephone number data encountering any usability issues while accessing your website. A green circle with a white checkmark means Googlebot encountered no issues and your host is working fine. A white circle with a green checkmark indicates that Googlebot encountered an issue over a week ago, but everything is working fine now. A red circle with a white exclamation mark indicates that Googlebot has encountered at least one major issue in the last week.


Crawl requests breakdown A crawl requests log provides more detailed information about how Google's crawlers interact with your site. Reply The first section to look at is the ‘Reply’ section. This section tells you what kind of responses Googlebot received when trying to crawl pages on your site. Google considers the following to be good responses Ok Permanently moved Temporarily moved Moved other Unmodified Ideally, the majority of responses should be some s are also OK.

Codes like 'Not Found ' are a warning that there are dead ends on your website that are probably affecting your crawl budget. File Type The 'by file type' section tells Googlebot what type of file it encountered during its crawl. The percentage values ​​you see represent the percentage of responses of that type , and not the percentage of bytes for each file type. By Purpose The 'By purpose' section indicates whether the crawled page is a page the crawler has seen before refresh or a new page for the crawler exploration.