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Google Robotstxt Optimize Noindex Tags

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 5:22 am
by sadiksojib127
Fix Site Errors Site errors can trip up search crawlers and waste valuable crawl budget. Ideally, you want the crawler to encounter a real page or a single redirect to that page. If it encounters redirect chains or error pages, you’re wasting crawl budget. Use your Google Search Console crawl report to identify where the crawler is encountering errors and what type of errors they are.

Fixing identifiable errors will create a smoother crawling el-salvador telephone number data experience for Googlebot. . Check for Broken Links A URL is basically a hyperlink between two pages. It provides a way for the search engine crawler to find new pages — but some URLs don’t go anywhere. A broken link is a dead end for search engine crawlers and a waste of your limited crawl budget. Take some time to check your site for broken links that could be sending search crawlers to dead pages and fix or remove them.


In addition to reducing crawl budget waste, removing broken links will also improve your visitors’ browsing experience, so performing periodic link checks is always a good idea. Stop Wasting Crawl Budget on Your SEO! Not sure where to start or feeling overwhelmed when it comes to optimizing your site’s crawl budget or overall SEO? No need to go it alone — our SEO and web maintenance services can help! Schedule a consultation with Digipeak today and let our SEOweb development experts walk you through the process of performing an SEO audit and developing a strategy to optimize your site’s SEO and technical performance.

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