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Video email: the best digital marketing strategy

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:16 am
by pappu824
It's difficult to rank digital marketing strategies in terms of effectiveness, as different businesses need different things from their marketing approaches. However, video email marketing is definitely one of the best digital marketing strategies available, if not the best.

How can we make this bold statement? And what does it mean to you?

How can we make this bold statement? And what does it mean to you?
What we mean by the “best” digital marketing strategy. Before we start making our case, we need to define what we mean by the “best” digital marketing strategy. There is certainly room for debate here, but the way we see it, the quality of digital marketing strategy can be boiled down to three main aspects:

Accessibility and general usefulness. First, how list of telegram users in mexico accessible and useful is the strategy? We’re not talking about strategies for a specific business, or even a specific industry. We’re talking more about strategies that relate to all businesses across all industries. Certain niche marketing strategies may be extremely useful for a small subset of entrepreneurs and business owners, but may fall on deaf ears for most people. Conversely, there are some digital marketing strategies that are potentially useful for a wide range of different businesses, but may not see great results. Ideally, top-level digital marketing strategies should be accessible to a large number of businesses, but capable of generating great results.
Traffic generation, conversions, and value: Naturally, the best digital marketing strategy should be one that generates the most value possible. Different businesses and different marketing contexts call for different definitions of value, but generally, we’re looking for things like increased traffic, increased conversions, and more revenue generated for the company.
Costs : You also have to consider the costs of each digital marketing strategy candidate for your repertoire. Some digital marketing strategies are capable of getting great results, but only if you invest tons of money in them. On the other end of the spectrum, some marketing strategies are very cheap, but do not get adequate results. The ideal digital marketing strategy is one that is very cheap, but capable of generating significant results.
Video Email Marketing
What do we mean when we talk about video email marketing?


Basically, we're talking about using email as a messaging platform to distribute videos. There are a number of ways to do this, but we prefer embedded videos in the body of emails. If done correctly, the video you produce will automatically start playing every time a user opens your email - this format tends to impress users and maximizes the number of views your videos get.

So why do we say this is the best overall digital marketing strategy?

Let's take a look at both the video side and the email side.

The video side of email marketing
First, let’s look at why video is such a powerful component of your email marketing strategy.

Competitive Distinction: Even though video is one of the most engaging and immersive content mediums we have, most brands still aren’t using it. Simply creating videos from scratch and marketing them to your target audience will instantly set you apart from your competitors. You’ll be seen as a competent player in the industry, or even a thought leader.
Creative Flexibility: There are no rules to what you can do in a video format. You have complete control over both video and audio. That means you have virtually unlimited creative flexibility and can create truly unique content for your increasingly engaged audience.
User Engagement: Speaking of engagement, video is one of the most engaging content mediums out there. People are much more likely to pay attention to content (and remember it) when it’s presented in video form.
Persuasion and CTAs: Because you can present calls to action (CTAs) in many different ways and at many different times in your video, videos have huge persuasive potential. Get creative if you want to continue increasing your conversion rates.