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How to evaluate the effectiveness of email newsletters?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:27 am
by messi66
You've developed an email marketing strategy, collected a contact base, and started sending cool, beautiful emails. But how do you know if your newsletters are reaching your subscribers and if you're doing everything right? We'll tell you what metrics you need to monitor.

Each email newsletter service has a detailed statistics section. It is very important to study it after each campaign - the numbers will help you see problems, understand how to fix them and improve your newsletters in the future.

Message statistics in enKod
There are quite a lot of metrics, but among them, six are the most important.

Delivery rate
It's sad, but true - not all emails reach the inbox. The mailing will not reach subscribers if the address is incorrect, such a domain no longer exists, or your IP is blacklisted . The Delivery rate metric will show how many emails reached the recipient. It is important that this figure does not fall below 95%.

Bounce rate
Here you can see the percentage of letters that returned to the sender. The reasons for refusals can be divided into two types:

Soft bounces. In this case, letters may not reach the recipient due to an overflowing mailbox, technical failures or spam filters.

Hard bounces: If emails are sent to non-existent addresses or domains, they will bounce back to the sender.

If the hard return rate exceeds 4.5%, you need to take action:

Clean up your contact base. Keep only those who have opened at least one letter in the last six months.
Check your subscription form. Users may not see qatar business email list the value in providing their real address. Set up double-opt-in and specify that a confirmation email will be sent after subscribing.
Warm up the base gradually. The number of new subscribers should be small in relation to the "permanent" contact base.
Open rate of emails
One of the most important metrics. Thanks to it, you will know how many subscribers opened your letters. In enKod, in order to find out the exact percentage of openings, an invisible image of 1*1 pixel size is placed in the HTML code of the letter. When a subscriber opens the letter, the server downloads the image. Open rate can be unique (when the letter was opened for the first time) and non-unique (if one letter was opened several times).


What to do if the Open rate is low?

Come up with a subject line that will make you want to click on it. A good subject line always makes you want to see what's inside the newsletter.
Think about the content of the newsletter . If a person has already received two not very interesting and useful letters from you, it is unlikely that he will open the third.
Check if all emails are getting to your inbox?
Click-through Rate
The metric will show the number of clicks on links and buttons. A high Click-through Rate indicates that subscribers are engaged and that they like your content. A low click-through rate indicates that you failed to interest customers or there are problems with the button. Make sure it is visible, clickable, leads to where it should be, and is displayed well on a mobile device.

Unsubscribe rate
If you look at your campaign statistics and see a high unsubscribe rate, there's definitely something wrong with your mailing. Here are a few reasons why people leave you:

Perhaps you only send promotional newsletters and subscribers are simply tired of them. Add more useful and truly interesting content.
Not segmenting your audience. Sending a letter to everyone is a bad strategy. Divide your audience into groups and create interesting letters for each category.
You haven't calculated the optimal frequency of mailings. If you bombard your subscribers with emails, they probably won't appreciate it. And if you send emails too rarely, they'll start forgetting about you and unsubscribing.
To understand why people leave, ask them for feedback. Place a survey in the letter and find out why they no longer want to receive anything from you.

Spam complaint rate
It's a shame when subscribers no longer want to receive emails from you, but it's even worse if they send them to spam. Usually, people complain about newsletters when there is no unsubscribe link in the email or you have hidden it securely. People should always have a choice, and if they don't like your emails, give them the opportunity to leave. It is very important to monitor the number of spam complaints, if the rate exceeds 0.45%, you can be blocked, and the domain reputation will suffer. To avoid complaints, do not forget about the unsubscribe link, monitor the content and layout of the email. You can read more about how to avoid spam in our article .

Return on Investment (ROI) percentage

Shows how much your email marketing is paying off. This metric will help you know which marketing strategies are successful and which ones still need some work. Low ROI means that your emails are not driving customers to buy and are not generating revenue. To increase this figure, consider customer behavior on your website and create more attractive offers for them.