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Step by step to get started with Google Analytics

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 6:59 am
by Blessing
These are the steps required to use your GA account.

Create a Google Analytics account
First, you'll need to create a Google Analytics account or log in to your current account.



Add the name, URL, and industry of the website you want to track
Choose which account you want to add the property to . You must create and name your property at this point and enter the website URL as well as the industry and reporting time zone. You will then be able to create and finish this step of the process.

Add a view to your property
Go to the account and property you want to add a view to – use the menu to Create a view, give the view a name, select the view type (web or app), and answer a few other questions. Remember, you can add up to 25 views to a property in GA.

Add the tracking code directly after the head tag of your site
When you create a property , you'll have access to a unique tracking ID and country b2b b2c email list a global site tag (code that you add to each page on your site that you want to measure). This is how you'll be able to collect data on your property.


Then, paste the global site tag right after the opening <head> tag on every page on your site that you plan to measure.

You'll be asked to choose your site type (static, dynamic, web hosting, Google Tag Manager) so you can set up data collection accurately.

(For more information, read the guide to installing the Google Analytics tracking code on your site .)

Visit your GA portal and verify that the code is working
Finally, check that your code is working. You can do this by looking at the live reporting section while clicking on a different tab from a computer or phone. The report should show at least one site visitor (that's you!).

Do you need to add GA code to every page of your site?
That's a lot of manual work, especially if the site has more than 50 pages. Plus, what happens when you create new pages? Do you need to add the tag every time?

Relax, because the short answer is: no.

The longer answer: you just need to add the tag to each page template. So, if you have one type of page on your site (meaning each individual page uses the same header module), add it to that module and it will apply to all pages.

If you have two page types, paste the code into two separate header modules. Three page types? Three header modules.

And if you use a CMS like HubSpot , this task is even easier. These tools come with a separate field where you paste your tracking code just once. HubSpot users can follow these simple instructions to add GA.

Additionally, to use GA successfully, understand dimensions versus metrics.