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What are key partners in the Canvas model and why you should know about it

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:22 am
by Aklima@3
Swap the old Business Plan for a much faster and more flexible format with the Canvas model. With just a sheet of paper, a handful of post-its and lots of ideas, you can get started.
Key partners are strategic alliances that help the business grow and function optimally.
The so-called Canvas method or model was created by Swiss information systems management experts Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in their book “Business Model Generation”, published in 2011. In it, Osterwalder and Pigneur propose a new design tool to replace the old Business Plan (although in reality both are compatible). It is a template with 9 boxes the size of a sheet of paper that serves as a first step to brainstorm ideas and capture them with post-its to answer questions about strategic planning .

The Canvas model is divided into nine sections : key partners, key activities, key resources, value propositions, customer relationships, channels, customer segments, cost structure and revenue streams.

The tool is used to define innovative business models by simplifying the areas into 4 main themes: customers, offer, infrastructure and economic viability. The Canvas model also has an impact on its adaptability to changes ; it is an open document in which post-its can appear and disappear, with new ideas and objectives as your project evolves.

In this article we will focus on one of the 9 sections of the Canvas model: key partners . How to find them, identify them and place them in your project.

Who are our key partners?
Key partners within the Canvas model refer to the communication email list strategic alliances that your organization establishes to collaborate on issues such as sharing experiences, costs and also resources. Strategic partners, industrial partners, investment partners are some of the key partners for a company .


The objective is to establish a network of suppliers and partners that contribute to the growth and optimal functioning of the business model . It is very important to be in contact with the environment, observe the ecosystem of start-ups and new ideas that arise around and create synergies with other people, companies and institutions that are enriching.

A first step to start thinking about is suppliers . Think about the resources for which you need a supplier in your business, and distinguish between suppliers that are easily replaceable and those highly specialized ones that provide you with more value. These will be your key suppliers.