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Neuromarketing: How can you benefit from it?

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:38 am
by sakib30
Neuromarketing is a multidisciplinary approach that allows us to study specific and reliable data on how marketing actions influence the consumer's mind . For years, these types of tools have been implemented in the campaigns and actions of large companies, generating incredible changes in their sales returns.

In this article you will learn real figures on how companies have japan phone number data improved their ROI through Neuromarketing, how it can be used in market research to obtain better results and specific cases of companies that currently use it.

This content is the second part of a series of articles about everything you need to know about Neuromarketing. If you want to know what Neuromarketing is, how it came about and what tools it uses, I invite you to read the first article by clicking here . If you have already read it, continue with this part where we will see how this science has been applied to advertising campaigns in this decade.

1 The most important thing
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Neuromarketing?


2.1 Advantages
2.2 Disadvantages
3 Cases of companies that use Neuromarketing in their strategies
3.1 Pepsi vs. Experiment Coca-cola
3.2 Lay’s
3.3 Starbucks
3.4 Nespresso Spain
3.5 Spain Post Office
3.6 Other recognized companies that use Neuromarketing
4 How has Neuromarketing transformed the sales and advertising market?
5 Can Neuromarketing be applied in market research?
6 Is Neuromarketing expensive?
7 Summary
The most important thing
Neuromarketing studies are based on the use of neuroscience tools to understand the unconscious patterns of consumer purchasing behavior.
The market shows that around 76% of service and product launches do not work in their first year.
Companies that rely on Neuromarketing to develop their market strategies have a 65 % higher ROI compared to when they used traditional marketing techniques , improving their brand positioning in relation to their competitors.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Neuromarketing?
There is no doubt that being able to use neuroscience techniques in the marketing field is something very new. Neuroscience provides great support for all the strategies and investments that a company wants to make. Based on the results obtained in research studies, all the company's actions can be structured based on what its consumer really wants or what their subconscious connects with.

We tend to believe that purchasing processes are 100% rational. We are presented with a need, we research the best option or product to satisfy it, and then we buy it.

Purchasing process
Purchase process. (Source:Mediamodifier:2108028/
But the reality… is different.

Perhaps the main reason why neuromarketing is becoming increasingly popular among large companies is the discovery that decisions are not really “rational” and that, therefore, marketing strategies based on this assumption are not as successful as previously thought.

Studies generated from neuroscience have proven that our decisions are mostly unconscious ; the part that we think is conscious is only a justification or rationalization of what our brain has determined unconsciously; furthermore, it does so quickly and without taking into consideration all the available data.

This is why Neuromarketing and the study of Neuroimaging have been fundamental in the transformation of the market , since they allow the study of non-verbal information of the individual, unlike traditional marketing research techniques such as surveys, where the person can adapt their response to what they want to demonstrate at the moment.
